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if you read my authors note before this chapter youre probably like rya shut up you just posted a whole authors note, well yeah i know but if you didnt read it im in a bloody angry and sad mood so it might reflect on the next few chapters im sorry im really pissed and sad right now okay and i dont know what else to do since my friends are ignoring me even though they saw what happened because it was in a group chat so i dont even know maybe it will reflect the next few chapters since im going to binge write them and i dont even know what to do right now okay so fuck off i



"How many pancakes do you want?" f/n asked.

"*number of pancakes* please!" you said happily. That dream made you smile.

"And why are you so happy today," f/n joked. You laughed.

"I had this really cute dream last night..." you said, smiling. F/n raised her eyebrows.

"About?" she questioned.

"Me and Dan," you said. F/n smiled wider than a kid who's just gone to Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory.

"Tell me everything!" she squealed. You laughed, then started.

"Basically, I moved into this flat, right? So I decorated and a while later there was a knock on the door, right? So I went to answer it, and Dan was there! He was looking down and saying something, and he hadn't looked at me yet, so I jumped at him and hugged him, and he was really surprised but then hugged me back, and then I saw Phil and hugged him, and then Dan picked me up and carried me to their flat, and then we watched my favorite movie and I started to fall asleep so I leaned on Dan and when I was about to fall asleep Dan whispered 'sweet dreams, beautiful,' and kissed my firehead and then I fell asleep and then I woke up!" You said very quickly. F/n squealed as she gave you your pancakes.

"That is so cute!" F/n said, sitting next to you.

"I know right! And it felt so real too!" You said, stuffing your mouth with pancakes.

'Very lady-like, y/n, Dan will totally like you this way,' you thought to yourself.

"I had a cute dream last night too, but I'll tell you that later. Go get dressed, we're going to the park!" f/n said, getting up. Damn, that girl can eat fast. Then again, she only had one pancake.

"Why are we going to the park, I wanna stay at home all day!" you whined. She just smiled and walked away. You finished your pancakes and got dressed.

Searching for him.... (Dan Howell x reader) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now