"Yeah, I feel you there" I start to remember how Maria ditched me for her boyfriend. 

"Well let me get your food wrapped up so you can be on your way" she smiles.

"Thank you so much" I leave a tip and wait by the door.

She comes out of the kitchen and hands me my wrapped up food.

"I was really nice meeting you, I can't wait to hang out with you" she says 

"I can't wait either, by the way what's your name?"

"It's Ashley" she smiles

"Nice to meet you Ashley, I'm Bianca. Well I have to go. I want to get a good walk in before its too late"

"Nice to meet you too, enjoy your walk talk to you soon"  She walks back and starts working again and I wave as I began to walk.

The sun was finally setting and it looks like a trix yogurt cup mixed together.  I wanted to visit Jessica but I'm pretty sure she's off or not on break. I'll bother her another day. I wanted to go to the pool so bad. 

I make a U turn back around to the private pool and walk in. It felt like heaven. This air was gods sent. No one was the desk but there were people walking around so I decided to walk back up where I hid at last time without getting caught. 

I go inside and to my surprise no one was there. I shut the door and lock it. The water looks so beautiful how could you not want to jump in. I was hesitant at first but I wanted to swim so badly. 

I took my clothes off and grabbed one of the towels from out of the towel cabinet.  I put my foot in the water to test the temperature  it was freezing cold but that's just what I needed. 

I jump in and screamed it was more cold than I thought. I laughed at myself and splashed around. I was free and it felt so good. I go under the water and I wanted to stay here forever. 

I come up and swim to the end of the pool. It was so big. As I come up from the water security was right there and I froze in shock.

"What are you doing in here you're not suppose to be in here!" one of security guards yell.

"And why not, its not like its a private pool or anything" I lied as I was grabbing my towel. I didn't mind showing my body simply because they were woman now if it were men It would have been another story.

"Well in case you didn't know this is a private pool, now I'm either going to call the police or I will take you up to the owner and he will deal with you. which one do you want?"

"Sh*t" I whisper to myself

"I think I'd rather the police deal with me"  I say

"Too bad you're going to the owner, now put your clothes back on" 

"Fine!" I say loudly.

 I changed right in front of them with not a care in the damn world. Once I was done one of the security guards took me up on the elevator. It went all the way up to 10. 

"Why does a pool place need 10 floors?" I ask her

"Because it's also a spa" she says

"Well damn if I would have known that I would have gotten a massage instead of the pool"

"You shouldn't even be in the first place" she rolls her eyes.

"Whatever you say grouch" I laugh

She acts as if she didn't hear me.

We got up to the tenth floor and she dragged me along down the hall way to his office.  She knocks on his door.

"Come in" he shouts and I take a deep breath waiting for this to be over.

I slept with my professorDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora