Chapter 1 - Basil

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     I often think of my life as story book, each page more interesting than the last. I've been watching the pages turn, hoping that my book is a fairy tale, and one day I might get my own happily ever after. It hasn't come yet, but I still have hope. For now, I stay a twelfth grader, at Willowgrove high. I stopped to get my English books from my locker, and of course, Jobe came to say "hi". It's super obvious that Jobe has a huge crush on me, it's also super obvious that he's a huge jerk. Hmmm, wonder why I say no every single time he asks me out? Seriously, he invited me to go on a limousine ride, and I turn him down. How much of a jerk does someone have to be to have one say no to a limousine ride?
"Hey girl" Jobe smirked as he leaned against the lockers, trying to look cool.
"Hey Jobe." I rolled my eyes.
"So anyway." He grinned, "would you like to join me for a lovely walk, and, I don't know, maybe a picnic in WGP this afternoon?" There are a few kids in school who are convinced that calling Willowgrove Park 'WGP' makes them cool. Jobe is one of those people.
"Sorry Jobe." I told him "I have plans this afternoon."
"Like what?"He asked.
"Hey Amara!" Basil called. Saved by the bell, I didn't want Jobe to know I didn't really have plans. Basil is my neighbour, And we've known each other science we were little, lately, he's been a total lifesaver, just showing up whenever I need him.
"What kind of a name is Basil?" Jobe teased. See? Jerk! I could see Basil struggling to talk, so I spoke up.
"Basil means bravery." I looked Jobe straight in the eyes
"What?" Jobe asked
"The name Basil means bravery." I repeated
"Oh, and what does my name mean? I'll bet it's way better than bravery." Jobe boasted.
"Fool." I grinned. "Jobe means fool." Basil and I both burst out laughing, and Jobe turned beet red."

      After school, Basil and I walked home together.
"How do you know all of this stuff about names?" Basil asked me. I shrugged.
"It's a gift, I guess."
"Did it ever occur to you that people seem to live up to their names?" He asked
"It seems to be that way." I replied.
"What does your name mean" he wondered
"Grace and Mercy." I said.
"Wow, that's, that's right on." He chuckled. I looked at him, he had a huge smile on his face. I'd never seen him that happy.
"Amara," he said, sounding a lot more serious than the few seconds before
"Yeah?" I responded, confused.
" what's wrong?" That question. That's what's wrong. Everyone had been asking me that question. It wasn't a great day for me honestly, I had just woken up with a feeling that something was wrong. Of course, I didn't tell him that.
"Nothing, I'm okay." I mumbled.
"Okay." He didn't sound convinced. By that time, we had reached our street, so we both went to out houses, waving goodbye.

No one was home when I entered the house, which was very common. My mom with a long office job, and my dad with regular police shifts. I tossed my backpack to the side, and I went to the kitchen for something to eat. Our house wasn't overly exciting, but it was home, and I had to appreciate it. I grabbed some ripe fruit, and sat down to eat it. I was lost in thought, until I heard a little meow. I looked down to see my little cat, Skunk, purring and rubbing her tiny head against the leg of my chair.
"Hi sweetie!" I smiled and picked up the little black and white cat. She was the little bit of joy in my life. She always seemed to know when I needed something, and she was always there for me. I cherished the love that Skunk gave me as the phone started ringing.
"Sorry baby!" I said as I took Skunk off my lap and ran for the phone.

"Hi, this is Basil"
"Oh, hey Basil"
"What's up?"
"Not much, just playing with Skunk."
"Nice. You busy tonight?"
"No, why?"
"You wanna go for a walk in the park with me?"
"Sure why not"
"Great, see you in an hour."
"Sounds good!"
"Okay, bye!"

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