Chapter 13

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When they reached the Sandyr military base, Zulu scanned the perimeter for any activity.

"They seem to be on low alert," Zulu informed Rise.

"How're we getting in?" Rise asked, looking at the wall. "Climb over?"

"If we can find a safe spot." Zulu touched the wall, scanning again. They walked along, searching for an unguarded area. After a while, Zulu stopped. "Here should be good."

"Alright, I'll do it." Rise pulled out a grappling hook and tossed it over the top of the wall. Pulling it, he made sure it caught and stayed in place. "I'll go up first."

"Be careful." Zulu watched him climb up, her heart pounding. When he reached the top and motioned for her, she followed. Perching on the top, she glanced around.

"Keep watch, I'm going to reposition this," he said, pulling up the rope.

"Quickly, Rise." She had her hand at her holster, ready for a gunfight.

"Got it." He hooked the grappling hook on the outside of the wall and dropped the rope so they could climb down in. "Go."

She climbed down, letting go halfway and landing in a crouch.

"Don't do that," Rise hissed through clenched teeth after he had followed. "What if you got hurt?"

"I won't get hurt," Zulu said, nonchalantly waving away his concern. "I'm not a normal person."

"That's for sure," he muttered under his breath. Noticing some shadows headed their way, he motioned for her to fall back, pulling out a shock pistol. Crouching behind a crate, he waited until the guards came into view before shooting at them. The electric rounds hit both guards in the chest, jolting their bodies and knocking them unconscious.

"I call the next one," Zulu said as they hid the bodies. Following her as she lead the way, Rise shook his head.

They managed to find their way into the main building of the base through the ventilation system. Dropping into an empty office with the lights off, they crept over to the door. Zulu scanned the hallway on the other side of the door. There was a guard doing rounds and the two hid as he shone a flashlight through the window.

"Should we take him out?" Rise whispered, watching the guard.

"Nah, it'll attract unwanted attention," Zulu whispered back. They waited until he was gone before cracking open the door. Rise got out a laser pointer, using it to disrupt the security camera. As they made their way down the hall, Zulu asked, "Do you always carry that around?"

"Yeah, it's good for distracting guard dogs," he said, shrugging. She stared at him, her eyebrow raised. "You don't believe me?"

"Usually they're well trained, so I doubt that would work," she pointed out. "And when have you ever encountered guard dogs?"

"It does work," he rebuked. "I'm a very troublesome person, mind you."

"Don't remind me." She ignored him as he stuck his tongue out at her.

After wandering through the maze of halls, they came across the door they needed to get through to get into the other area. Rise decided to try picking the lock.

"Not that I care, but why do you know how to do these things? Aren't you a doctor?" Zulu kept watch for any signs of trouble.

"Didn't you know, all doctors are given Spec Ops training just for these types of situations!" Rise told her, only slight sarcasm in his voice.

"That explains a lot. I was wondering why doctors were so good at trolling."

"No one is better at trolling than I am."

"That's not something you're supposed to admit."

"I'm not some ninja, no need to be secretive about it." There was a beep and click. "Got it!"


"Alright, now onto the next d-" Rise's sentence was cut off by the sudden scream of an alarm. "Oops..."

"This isn't the time for oops! Get moving!" Zulu threw open the door, firing at the guards rushing from the other entrances.

"Well, you're all in for a 'shocking' experience!" Rise already had his shock pistol out, replacing the barrel with a larger one. He fired the weapon, an electric grenade flying into the guards. They were jolted upon impact. "Boo-yah!"

"Hurry up!" Zulu grabbed his hand and dashed across the room. She had scanned the area, mapping out where they needed to go. The two ran, shooting any guards or soldiers in their way.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2016 ⏰

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