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Saturday, January 13, 8:07 AM.

Evan woke up with an intense headache. He attempted to open his eyes and was blinded by the light streaming through the window. He stood up from the sofa for the second time that morning. He heard the quiet bustled of the morning and he walked back into the kitchen where Mark and Rachel were making breakfast.

Rachel had already gotten dressed and she appeared completely ready for the day, Mark was still were his robe and helping to make breakfast. "Good morning Evan." Rachel greeted in a cheery sort of tone.

"Morning." Evan said back, he hangover was making him a bit moody, but that tended to be his common attitude.

"How's that hangover treating you?" Mark asked, clearly amused with the situation at hand. He then placed some eggs on a plate and handed it to Evan. He nodded in thanks and took a seat at the table. He began to ravenously eat his food, not realizing how hungry he had been. When he finished, Rachel had taken his plate and Mark began washing the dishes.

"I have to go to work. But Mark will drive you home." Rachel said as she walked over to the coat hanger to grab her jacket, scarf, and hat. "It was a pleasure meeting you." She said as she scurried out the door and into the crisp winter air. Evan hadn't realized it yet, but he was slowly falling for Rachel Albritton, and he was falling hard.

Thursday, January 18, 2:58 PM.

Evan hadn't heard from Rachel or Mark sense Saturday nights encounter. To be fully honest with himself, he wished he would be able to see them again, so he did what any normal person in the 21st century would do. He tried to find them on social media. He was able to find Mark on Facebook, but he could find Rachel on anything. He searched everywhere but there was no sign of any Rachel Albritton on earth. 

Evan had almost given up hope when one day he received a text from Mark. It said that they were going to attend the taking down of the local Christmas tree in the downtown area of the city. He accepted the invitation, only because there was a chance he would see Rachel again. So he threw on his jacket at drove downtown. They were also taking down all the Christmas lights on the same day so there were a lot of community services workers all around.Evan parked his car and then walked over to where thee tree was exactly. 

He scanned the crowd and his heart skipped a beat when his eyes fell on Rachel. 

She was standing next to Mark. Her cheeks were rosy and she had a large scarf on so she could cover some of her face. Mark noticed Evan first and waved him over. The moment Rachel saw who Mark was waving at she whacked him on the arm, her cheeks growing more red by the second. Evan approached the two of them and gave a small smile, feeling slightly more polite today.

"Hey, Evan!" Mark said as he gave him a quick, friendly hug. Rachel gave him a polite wave. Evan waved back at her, not quite sure why he felt disappointed with a small wave. Just then, a man turned on a megaphone and announced that the tree would be taken down shortly. It was kind of strange as a hush went over the crowed when the star was being taken down. Evan watched Rachel's face to see what she thought, and she was smiling brightly. So he decided to smile too.

Thursday, January 18, 5:21 PM.

Rachel had finally started to warm up to Evan a bit more as the evening progressed. In fact, she even asked if he would like to go out to dinner with the both of them, which of course Evan said yes. So all three of them headed over to this small bakery shop. The night appeared perfect, and they had a lot of fun. 

The night soon came to an end and Evan couldn't remember a time that he had that much fun when he wasn't high or drunk. When it was time for Evan to head home they said their goodbyes.

Mark gave another friendly hug and they said goodbye. Then Evan looked over at Rachel and their eyes met. She walked up to him and gave him a warm embrace which he gladly hugged her back. The feeling of their bodies pressed up against each other felt so... Right. 

That night Evan couldn't stop thinking of her, she was his world now and he would never be fully satisfied without her in his life.

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