"Mama Who-die?" the others asked.

"Mama Odie," Louis told them. "She's the voodoo queen of the bayou. She's got magic spells and all kinds of hoodoo."

"Could you take us to her?" Tiana asked.

"Through the deepest, darkest part of the bayou?" Louis gasped wildly. "Facing razor-sharp pricker bushes and trappers and hunters with guns? No." he then sat behind a tree and played a soulful tone on his trumpet.

The others sighed to that, but Naveen seemed to have something in mind to help talk Louis into going with them so they could find this Mama Odie.

"What's he doing?" Darla asked.

"I think he's gonna try to get Louis to come with us somehow." Atticus replied with an estimate.

"Watch and learn," Naveen told the others and made his way over to their new gator friend. "Louis, it's too bad we can't help you with your dream. If you were smaller and less teethy, you could play jazz to adoring crowds without scaring them."

Louis then stopped playing.

"But, enjoy your loneliness my friend..." Naveen then said as he walked back to the others.

"That should do it." Atticus said.

"I don't understand," Darla said. "How's that gonna--?"

"Hey, guys!" Louis exclaimed, going to the frogs. "I just got a crazy idea! What if I asked Mama Odie to make me human?"

"Why, Louis, you're a genius!" Naveen smiled.

"Hallelujah!" Louis laughed and jumped into the water to take the frogs to Mama Odie.

Patch soon got on Louis so he wouldn't be left behind. Atticus held Darla close so she wouldn't fall off.

"If I were a human being, I'd head straight to New Orleans~" Louis started to sing as he took them to Mama Odie. "And I'd blow this horn so hot and strong, Like no one they've ever seen, You've heard of Louis Armstrong, Mr. Sidney Bechet, All those boys are gonna step aside when they hear this old ex-gator play, Listen!~" he then blew his horn for his new friends.

'He's not that bad.' Atticus thought to himself.

Darla giggled, she very much loved the music. Patch started to dance around.

"When I'm human as I hope to be, I'm gonna blow this horn til the cows come home, And everyone's gonna bow down to me~" Louis continued with a laugh. He then started to fantasize that people were cheering for him.

"I like him." Darla giggled to Atticus about Louis.

Atticus smiled at his little sister's happiness. "Great."

"Tell it, brother!" Naveen laughed as Louis sang about being human and he then sang about how when he was a human, he was going to have fun with his life and live it up.

"You are getting married!" Tiana snapped and waved the butterflies away from Naveen.

"Yeah!" Patch barked.

"Oh, right," Naveen rolled his eyes. "I'll just have to leave a string of broken hearts behind me!"

"Oh, brother." Darla sighed.

Tiana decided when she was human, she was still going to work hard to earn her restaurant. Louis continued to play his horn as he took his new friends to Mama Odie. Darla, Atticus, and Patch decided to sing of what they would do when they were human.

Meanwhile, we are at the LaBouff household. Far from it was a little picnic table with flowers, a view of the lake with a bridge, and a bountiful of flowers. Charlotte was sitting with who she thought was Prince Naveen. They were talking about last night. Darla's human body appeared to be there as well as she wore a pretty pink dress with white gloves, a floppy dark pink hat with flowers in it and short-heeled white shoes.

"Prince Naveen, dear," Charlotte spoke up, wearing a matching sun dress with a floppy hat. "I am positively mortified you had to endure that frog fiasco last night."

"Oh, I'm sure he's used to things like that." Darla said with Cherry's voice.

"The child is right, when you're next in line for the throne," 'Naveen' agreed as he rose a glass of champagne. "You're poised like a panther, ready to expect the unexpected." he then took a fork and snarled playfully at Charlotte.

Charlotte snarled back with a lustful look in her eye. 'Naveen's' and 'Darla's right ears soon changed.

"Ooh, your ears..." Charlotte noticed.

"What?" 'Naveen' asked, then patted on his ear and panicked. Thinking quickly, he ducked down and whimpered as he took out the amulet and it was running out of Naveen's DNA. He then got back up to the table with his hand on his ear with a nervous laugh.

"Oh, those pesky mosquitoes..." 'Darla' chuckled nervously.

"I know, they're everywhere." 'Naveen' laughed nervously.

Charlotte glanced at them, but then smiled.

"Please..." 'Naveen' took Charlotte's hands and pulled her out of her seat and held her hands close. "Miss Charlotte, I can no longer ignore the throbbing of my--" Before he could continue, his rear end went back to normal and he got immediately worried. "Heart..."

"Keep going." 'Darla' urged him.

"Even though our time together has been brief, it's been heavenly!" 'Naveen' continued before spinning Charlotte around and dipping her.

"Land sakes, Prince Naveen!" Charlotte snorted. "You got be blushing like a--" the blonde woman then squealed out as the man buried his face in her skirt and held her rump close in his arms.

"Would you do me the honor of becoming the Princess of Maldonia?" the man then asked.

This surprised Charlotte as she smiled that this was really happening. "Are you serious...?"

"As the plague." 'Naveen' replied with his right hand up to God and put his collar up over his face.

'Darla's' face soon changed back to normal and where she had to hide it.

"Yes!" Charlotte nearly tackled 'the prince'. "I most definitely will marry you!"

'Naveen' took out flowers to hide his face, but the blonde woman snatched them instantly.

"There's so much to plan!" Charlotte gushed as her heart soared all through out her body. "I mean, the guest list, the dress, the music, the flowers, the shoes! We're gonna have ourselves a Mardi Gras wedding!" she then skipped off to tell her father the good news.

"Whew." 'Darla' sighed.

The two then began to panic as Dr. Facilier was coming right for them.

"D-D-Dr. Faciler." 'Darla' smiled nervously.

The two then became the plump man known as Lawrence and Cherry and not actually Prince Naveen and little Darla. Dr. Faciler soon groaned out of annoyance once he saw both amulets were out of blood.

"What do we do now?" Lawrence asked once they were back to normal.

"Because somebody let our froggy prince go, Larry, I'm reduced to asking for help from my friends on the other side." Dr. Faciler declared.

"I'm not so sure if I wanna be part of this..." Cherry sounded nervous now.

"You should have thought of that before we shook hands." Dr. Faciler said.

Cherry and Lawrence looked to each other nervously in response.

Cherry's Adventures of the Princess and the FrogWhere stories live. Discover now