"Mom did you know that the Grand Canyon was carved out by glaciers a long time ago?" She asked, spewing off another fun fact about the Canyon. 

     "I did, don't you think it would've been fun to live in that time, and actually see the glaciers?" You asked her, deepening the conversation. 

     "I suppose, but I would've liked to live in the early 1900's so I could help further the study of medicine, because at that time, especially with the Spanish flue, so many people were dying." She rambled on, you knew that she was one day gonna be a doctor. Sophia ran ahead a little way, leaving you and Bruce to trail behind. 

     "We raised her right, didn't we?" He asked while intertwining his hand with yours. 

     "We're not done yet, we still have five more years." You reply, mostly you wanted more time. 

     "She's so grown up even at 13." Bruce said, he wanted more time with his little girl but he knew she would do great things with her life. 

     "Yeah but she has a lot to learn, maybe not knowledge, considering she is the top of her class. But she has to learn life lessons, not only be book smart but street smart too." You reminded him. Your conversation was interrupted by the shouts of your daughter. 

     "Mom! Dad!" She shouted towards you, while waving you towards her. 

     "Duty calls." You say while dragging Bruce over to her. 


     You and Bucky wanted a quite vacation so you decided to take your four year old son to a beautiful park called Yosemite, in California. And you wanted one last vacation before you gave birth to the twins, in four months. Your son Grant loved the outdoors and swimming in the lake. 

     "Mom, can we go swimming again?" Grant asked while walking in the door, after they had gone to collect rocks. 

     "Of course, did you find any cool rocks?" You asked him while picking him up, something Buck did not approve of, seeing as Grant was starting to get too heavy and he didn't want you to strain yourself.

     "Yeah, daddy has them in a bag." He said while pointing to where Bucky was. 

     "Alright, let's go get you in your swimsuit." Bucky says before taking Grant out of your arms. After all of you changed you head down to the beach. 

     "Mommy, are you going to swim this time?" He asked, giving you the same puppy dog eyes that Bucky did. 

     "I don't know...." You trailed off. You were going o say no, but then Bucky picked you up in his arms and carried you out to the lake, as Grant watched from the beach. 

     "Now your stuck swimming." Bucky says before gently throwing you into the water, knowing you wouldn't get hurt. 

     "I hate you!" You told him, as he laughed at your state, hair sticking all over your face. 

     "I love you too!" He called back as he went to grab Grant. 

     "You're lucky I love you." You mumble. 

     "I heard that!" He called back. You just stuck your tongue out at him like a five year old. 


     She Loved Roller coasters and since you and her had decided to go to Texas to visit your family, you also went to six flags. After many roller coasters she begged you to go on the Texas Giant. Now normally this wouldn't be a problem except for the fact that you aren't very into roller coasters and this is the biggest one here. 

     "You go on, I go get food or something." You tried to convince her but she was having none of it. 

     "It's not that bad, stop being a baby." She teases you. 

     "I'm not a baby!" You say, while stomping off to the end of the line. After what felt like hours you reached the front of the line. And to say you were freaking out was an understatement. Wanda noticed your shaking hands and intertwined her hand with yours. 

     "Don't be scared, I'm right here. And I won't let anything happen to you." She says. 

     "I'm okay." You said, feeling better just by the fact that she was there with you. She pressed a kiss to your lips before the two of you were ushered to the front of the ride. During the ride you did nothing but scream in fear.

    "See it wasn't that bad." She said when the two of you got off the ride. You glared at her before dramatically falling to the ground, praising the solid ground. She just laughs and starts to walk off, leaving you to have your moment with the ground. 


     You decided to go to Hawaii, seeing as you were only 2 months pregnant and wanted to have a vacation before welcoming your child into this world. You were excited for the beaches, knowing that they were amazing. 

     "So we are going to go to the beach and then where else would you like to go?" He asked as the two of you were settling in your hotel room, which over looked the whole beach. 

     "Well we could go to dinner, and then come back here and do some activities." You said with a slight wink, hinting at something.

     "Well lets get started." He said before grabbing your hand and pulling you towards the beach. The two of you spent most of the day there before heading to a small restaurant by the sea. 

     "So if we have a girl what should we name her?" You ask, while walking hand in hand, back to the hotel. 

     "I don't know, I haven't really thought about it." He replies.

     "Besides we have months to decide." He said, while the two of you walked into the lobby of the hotel and into the elevator. 

     "Don't forget the other part of the deal." He whispered in your ear, making your knees go weak. You were so thankful that the elevator was empty. Once the two of you entered the hotel room, he claimed your lips and the rest of the night was history.


     There wasn't a lot of places that the two of you could go so you decided to go to a nice cabin way up north, where you wouldn't be disturbed.

     "The world is such a beautiful place." He says as the two of you were hiking. 

     "The world would be a lot better without mosquitoes." You say while slapping another on off your arm. 

     "I told you to wear bug spray." He says, before pulling a spray bottle out of his backpack. 

     "At least you know me well enough to know that I wan't going to listen." You reply as he starts to spray you. 

     "Yes, I do know you very well. So well that after this we can have ice cream, because I brought some with me. You shouted in excitement and pumped your fists in the air. 

     "I love you." You tell him before dragging him back towards the cabin.

     "I love you too."

Hey guys, it's been a really long time. But Band and AP Physics were kicking my butt. Plus they blocked Wattpad at school, which is where I do most of my writing. Thank you for reading and I will be updating more often now.


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