Sucker For Pain (Libbie's POV)

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As lunchtime rolled around, I was able to calm down only slightly. I knew my report was flawless, but I also knew it was missing that 'wow!' factor I so desperately needed. I had an idea up my sleeve, but I would need Gage's, as well as, Joe and Andy's OK to go ahead and do it. 

I grabbed my lunch from my locker as I waited for Mack and Gage to meet me by my locker. I scrolled through my phone as I continued waiting, and after a few minutes, I heard my phone, so I put my phone away and looked up. My eyes didn't meet Gage or Mack, like I thought. No, they met a girl in my grade named Tayiah (Tay-ya). She was one of the 'popular' girls, and one that made my life hell on more than one occasion, and one of the few that actually threw food at me. I began to walk away, but her hand on my shoulder stopped me.

"Lib, listen to me," she pleaded. "I wanted to say I'm sorry for everything I've said and done to you."

"And why on earth would I believe you? You told me my kid would be fucked in the head, that Gage wouldn't stay with me. You threw food at me and said I should give the kid up for adoption. Please, tell me why I should give you the time of day," I glared her down. She was quiet for a few seconds after that, but soon opened her mouth.

"Libbie, I'm sorry for everything I did, I truly am. I had no right to say the things I did, or throw things at you. I was idiotic and immature, and seeing how great you and Gage are with your son made me realize that. I shouldn't have put you through what I did, and I'm really sorry. I don't expect you to forgive me, and even if you don't, I would still really like your help with something ..." she explained.

"What?" I asked.

"This," she pulled her shirt back slightly and it wasn't hard to see she had the smallest baby bump. 

I stared at her stomach, then at her again, "And tell me something, why shouldn't I say all the same things to you that you said to me? Why shouldn't I treat you like shit all because you apologized?" I asked, and before she could answer, I replied, "I'll tell you why. I'm not going to stoop to the level you were at last year, I'm not going to make someone dread going to school every day, and I'm certainly not going to shame someone for having sex, let alone creating a new life," I said to her. "I'll tell you what, you prove to me that you're truly sorry and I will help you through this, okay? I'm willing so overlook all of this, as long as you truly mean every word you said. Come sit outside with me, Gage, Mack, and Cody after you've gotten your lunch; we can talk about it more then."

And with that, I walked away from her, feeling more proud of myself than I ever had before. I walked out the front doors of school and found a table outside that wasn't filled with kids yet. Mack was soon to join, followed by Gage and Cody. About five minutes later, Tayiah walked over cautiously, eliciting weird looks from Mack and Cody, while Gage looked ready to pummel her into the ground.

"Guys, you all remember Tayiah, right?" I asked, they all nodded. "She's got a little bit of an issue," I said lightly, knowing it wasn't my place to tell them she was pregnant, "and she asked for my help. She's apologized for everything she put me through last year and part of the summer, and I told her as long as she truly meant it, then I would help her. I've asked her to sit with us today, is that okay?" they all nodded, and Tay sat down. 

"So, I want you to know that even though they're not exactly your biggest fans right now, these guys here, you can trust them. Whatever you say when you sit with us stays with your ears only, and that goes for you too, Tay. I'm here to help you, and I'm sure they'll help you too once you prove your worth to them, okay?" I explained. 

All was silent for a few minutes, minus quiet conversations at other tables and other students messing around on the small patch of grass near the tables. The five of us ate our food, and afterwards, Tayiah finally spoke up.

"Look, I don't expect any of you to forgive me. I don't even know if I can forgive myself, but I'm trying. I would like to ask you guys to try as well. I'm simply here asking for some help and guidance from people that have gone through what I'm going through," Tay explained. "Libbie knows, and it's only fair that you guys know too," she said, taking a deep breath. "I'm four months pregnant ..." 

A Do Or Die Situation (Sequel to To Offset The Shakes) // Andy Hurley/TrohleyWhere stories live. Discover now