Hate (Listen from LEGEND) pt.2

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At the club, we met with Hyorin and Eunha, sitting a the bar already. Greeting them with a hug, after that, we sat down beside them and ordered our cocktails.
"It's been so long since we last saw each other, it's sad we weren't able to meet for so long, but I'm glad we did today. How're you doing?" Hyorin asked. "I'm fine, my boyfriend and I now life together. And when I'm not with him I'll look after (y/n). But I think I don't have to worry about her anymore. She's finally over it." Seolhyun said smiling. "That was the most worst, a guy could ever do. I'm happy that you're able to get over it, something like that didn't deserve any of your tears." looking at me Eunha smiled, "We should start looking for a guy, who deserves (y/n)" We talked about this and that, as Seolhyuns boyfriend Jiho came. She took a glance at us, "Sure go dance with him" I told her, soon after there came some good looking guys asking for a dance, we kindly accepted the offer.

After some time we all sat in one of the louges of the club, chatting with the guys, as Jiho spending one round of drinks for us. Later that night, some drinks more Eunha sitting on the lap of the guy she danced with, his name is Ryan. Seems like they took a liking to each other. Seolhyun cuddling Jiho, the guy Hyorin danced with and the guy I danced with excused themselves, they had to leave us. Hyorin sighed sipping at her soju "Seems like we have to look for other guys to dance with." "Don't worry about it that much, let's dance, we don't need guys to dance." Hyorin and myself heading to the dancefloor leaving the two couples, not wanting to disturb them.

As Sistars 'I like that' started to play, we began dancing to it, cause this was one of our favorite songs we already new the coreography to it. Eunha and Seolhyun joined us, making the club go wild and making the guys crazy with our hot performance. We had the time of our lives. Dancing was one of the things that brought us closer and we became friends. At this moment there were just us dancing, feeling the music and our strong bond of friendship. The song ended to soon, but we all were smiling and happy, the crowd around as giving a round of applause. Jiho and Ryan coming towards us clapping and complementing us for this great performance.

As I felt a sudden presence behind me, Jiho started tensing up and so did Seolhyun, Eunha and Hyorin. Slowly turning around I saw the reason, of their sudden mood change. Lee Seung Tae. He was coming closer to our group. He greeted them all kindly and the others greeted back awkwardly, concerned about my reaction. As it came to Ryan and me, he introduced himself, first I was shocked, but then realization hit me, I'm no longer chubby, like I was three years ago. He don't realize that it's me, so I introduced myself: "I'm (y/n), nice to meet you Seung Tae", smiling I shook his outstreched hand.
"You can call me Listen", he gave me his killer smile, his smile got even more beautiful and he is more taller than before, as I realized I was staring too long, he came closer, bending down a litte, because of the height difference "Wanna dance? This way you can  take a closer look at me." I started blushing and hurriedly took some steps back, away from him, closer to the girls as Zico gave a slight squeeze to my hand, for support.
I ignored his remark and Ryan feeling the awkward tension, started talking to him, about how Listen met the others. Listen started telling him, Ryan began to understand the whole situation. He realized, that the girlfriend he once had, must be (y/n).
After some relaxed talking, Seolhyun and Jiho said they were going home, it's already late, Eunha, Hyorin and Ryan to wanted to go home, we hugged each other and left the club, every one going their way. Jiho and Seolhyun offering to drive me home, to save me from Listen. He seemed to take a liking to me and I wasn't sure how much longer I were able to keep calm, anger slowly starting to spread trough me. I gladly took their offer.

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