"What do you mean?" Connor asked me, looking straight into my eyes.

I felt something rise from my throat at the sudden eye contact but I looked away and it all faded. "I don't know, you seem so serious today. Had a bad dream last night?" I asked.

It was common for demigods to have bad dreams. Usually, they were visions or things happening in real life. Or sometimes, messages that your godly parent wanted to deliver themselves, just like Mom with my dream last night.

I blushed at the thought.

Connor shook his head. "Nah...I mean...it's not that important. Probably something silly and stupid..." He trailed off.

"Ohhhhkay." I replied, not saying anything else as Travis led sis back to the pavilion.

"Ah, I see the lovely Miss Bella and Mister Connor join us today." Chiron announced to the entire camp.

I stared at the floor. I didn't really like attention, which was a weird trait for Aphrodite kids to have.

Travis and Connor joined the Hermes table while I walked over to my table, where Camila had greeted me and apologized a thousand times.

I rolled my eyes. "It's okay. There was nothing dangerous, really. Connor took care of it." I said honestly.

The girls in my table giggled as I told them about spending a night with Connor. They told me that we were their new love team. I shrugged it off. Things like this happened all the time.

I glanced back at the Hermes table behind me, and I saw Connor laughing along with his friends. His wavy hair gleamed in the light and the way he grinned wide sent my heart doing jumping jacks. I quickly looked away. What was happening to me? I have never felt like this since...three years ago when Connor had asked me to the fireworks display.

My eyes widened at the realization. No. I wasn't going to have a crush on Connor Stoll, of all people! I shook my head as I walked back to the cabin. As soon as I took a look at my bunk, I kind of missed the cave that I had slept in last night. Of course, snuggling up beside Connor was a plus. Because he was warm. That's why. Nothing else.

I sighed and decided that it was time to clean my bunk. Inspection was happening later and I did not want to wash the dishes, even if the Aphrodite cabin got five out of five all the time. Well, Piper wasn't that too harsh in cabin inspections as Drew was, so we're a little more laidback this year.

After I was done with laundry and cleaning my sheets, I took a long shower. And as soon as I dried myself off and changed into a clean, fresh, orange Camp Half-Blood t-shirt, Camila took the opportunity to style my hair.

I rolled my eyes. I agreed to her for the first time, because she's pestered me with her apologies and I figured that this would make her stop. After all, what's the harm in all this? There's a first in everything, right?

I was right. I kind of liked how my hair turned out, and even Piper said it was pretty. Camila didn't straighten it at all. In fact, I had no idea what she was doing curling my hair with a hair straightener. My hair was a lot shorter, so it fell down to my waist instead of my hips.

I frowned as I looked at myself in the mirror. It kind of looked good, and it kind of looked bad. I didn't really know. It was just different, that's what I told myself. But I liked it enough to keep the look on. I thanked Camila and proceeded to Archery.

That's where I met Mason again.

"Heard you went missing last night. Were you scared?" Mason asked after he had shot a bull's eye on a farthest target.

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