Onward, to Headquarters!

903 31 23

(Spark's Perspective)

Spark sits up in his bed, yawning and stretching his arms. He leans over and plucks his phone off of his bedside dresser, checking the time. After setting the phone back down, his eyes widen and he snatches it up again, jolting to his feet. "Ahhh! I'm late!" he says, stripping out of his pajamas and hurriedly looking for the special outfit his Grandpa had given him the night before. He finds it half-way under the bed, and he jerks it out from underneath.

"Left foot in first," he murmurs, pulling the pants all the way up before starting on the boots. After that he pulls on a bright yellow shirt, and a black jacket with yellow-trimming on over that. To complete the outfit, he slips on a pair of orange gloves. He quickly glances at himself in the mirror, smoothing his bed-head hair down with one hand, he squirts some toothpaste onto his finger and starts brushing his teeth. Rinsing out his mouth, he takes one last look at himself in the mirror before grinning.

"Man, I'm really lookin' electrifyin' today," Spark says to himself as he walks out his hotel door, carrying multiple large suitcases. He could have left them for the bellhop to get, but he didn't want to trouble anybody with all his baggage if he could manage himself. His precious Jolteon sits on top of one of his suitcases, and he smiles at it, petting it's head affectionately. "How ya hanging, Jolt? Did ya have a good night's sleep?" he questions, and in reply his Jolteon lets out a small purr. "Good to hear, buddy. Good to hear."

After getting everything out the door, he finally makes his way to the elevator. He had already forgotten that he was about twenty minutes late, and he was taking his time, lazing along, not a care in the world. The elevator beeps, and the doors pull open. He somehow manages to inch his way through without getting stuck, and he turns to see Candela, Blanche, and the Professor waiting for him in the lobby.

The first thing he notices is that Candela and Blanche were wearing similar outfits as him, and he grins widely. "Twinning!" he says, before pausing and thinking for a moment. "If there's three, maybe it's tripleting?" he questions, tapping his chin in thought.

"You're late, Spark," Blanche says, crossing her arms in annoyance. "You were supposed to be down here twenty minutes ago."

Spark shrugs, lugging his suitcases over to the other three. "Better late than never, I always say," he jokes, punching her lightly on the shoulder. "Right, Gramps?"

The Professor sighs, rubbing his temples for a moment. "Let's just... let's just get in the taxi," he finally says, stepping aside so the three could exit. I have a separate one since we couldn't all fit into one, so I'll meet you there," he says.

Spark puts his arms around Candela and Blanche. "Alright. Lucky me!" he cheers, but they both shake him off.

"Don't be getting any funny ideas, Mr. Instinct. We already established who the stronger one was here, remember?" Candela says with a smirk, walking from the building.

"Harsh," Spark says, turning to Blanche. "By the way, I've been meaning to ask you what gender you are?" he inquires, peering at her. "Your clothes and hair are telling me female, but your face and chest are giving me a different vibe," he jokes, playfully elbowing her.

Blanche's mouth falls open, as if she couldn't believe what he had just said to her. She quickly composes herself, smoothing down her shirt and straightening a pair of pink glasses that she hadn't been wearing the day before. She self-consciously places an arm across her chest, pauses a moment to glare at Spark, and walks from the lobby.

Spark bites his lip. These girls sure are different from the ones I know. He thinks with a small frown before picking up his bags. Then I'll just have to try a different way to befriend them. I'll show Gramps that it wasn't a mistake choosing me to be a Team Leader. I can help, too. He thinks in determination as he follows the others outside.


The taxi ride was a short one, but it felt much longer due to the fact that no one spoke to each other. Blanche sat way away from Spark, but every now and then she'd glance at him and get another look of disgust on her face. Candela, sensing the tension in the air, tried multiple times to break the awkward silence, but she failed miserably each time. So it was a sweet joy to all of them that the ride was so short, and as soon as they got to the Headquarters they practically jumped out of the car.

As soon as Spark gets out, he glances at the building. Then he does a double-take and turns to stare at it. The thing was huge. There were three sections to the building. The left part was decorated yellow, and written across the building in big, yellow letters was the word Instinct. Not only that, but a large, beautiful picture of the legendary electric bird Zapdos made its presence very apparent above the large doors. The other two buildings were decorated much the same, except to the liking of the individual teams. Spark breathes out. The place was stunning. He glances at Blanche and Candela, and they had much the same expression as he did on his own face.

Professor Willow's car pulls up, and he climbs out, thanking the driver as he does so. He turns to see the three kids' astonished expressions, and he smiles. "Quite impressive, is it not? Our architectural and design teams worked hours to get it just right. I thought you guys would like it," he says, walking up to them.

"It isn't just impressive, it's stunning. I've never seen anything like it," Blanche admires, walking up to the front doors and placing her hand on them. "Are we aloud to go in?"

"Of course. I wouldn't have brought you all here if it was unfinished," the Professor says with a slight chuckle as Blanche pushes open the door.

Spark follows in behind Candela, and the three enter a small room. Unimpressed, he turns to his Grandpa. "What's this?"

"This is just the lounge," he assures them, pointing to three separate doors. They were all plain except for a bold letter printed in the middle. The door to the left had the initial "I" printed on it. "I'm sure you can figure out which doors are yours. The letters correlate with the names of your respected teams. Just beyond those doors you'll find your main lab station, and a door beyond that will take you to your room. Your bags have already been brought to your rooms; you may decorate them as you see fit, although they are already furnished," he assures them, walking away. "I have other business to attend to, but I will be back tomorrow to check up on things. I'm sure you'll all be settled in and ready to start work," the Professor says with a smile as he waves and leaves the building.

Spark grins at the girls. "Well, if you'll excuse me, Ladies, I'm going to check out my digs!" he says, dashing for his door. He pulls it open, and his eyes immediately light up. Inside were rows and rows of incubators. Spark breathes out once in awe. The outside didn't even hold a candle the this room. He walks around for a few more minutes before coming to a desk in the corner of the room. A note had been laid down. He plucks it off the counter, unfolding it so he could read it:

Dear Mr. Tremont,
   I hope you have had a look around the Incubation Lab. As you can see, some of the incubators have already been filled. This lab was built specifically for you, Spark, as your Grandfather, the Professor, told us how much you adore Pokemon. What my associates and I do is collect unwanted and abandoned eggs. After that, we will bring them to this Incubation Lab. The rest is up to you, Mr. Tremont. Give these eggs the love that they deserve, make it so they have a chance in this world. You are a very important part of  Team Instinct, and a very important part of this entire system. We're counting on you!
Scientist LeRedge

Spark sets the note down, a grateful smile on his face. He turns to the nearest incubator, placing his hand on the warm exterior. "Alright. I'll put my heart into raising these eggs," he says to himself as he settles in for the day.

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