Chapter 9__Party Guessed

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Because tonight was the full moon, Erica and Boyd's first and Isaac's and my second--technically my second, since my first I had been a weakling werewolf crawling on the floor with a major, deathly fatal wound in my back--Derek had to chain us down thanks to not being able to teach us how to control it due to the perfect distraction that Jackson the kanima was.

In fron of the trunk with chains, Derek opened it as I leaned against the subway car a feet away from Erica, next to Boyd, Isaac standing near Derek and touching the weird three connected spirals. "What is that?"

"It's a triskele," Boyd answered from next to me before Derek could. We all looked at him. "Spirals mean different things. Past, present, future. Mother, father, child."

I pursed my lips. I hadn't know Boyd had been that smart.

"You know what it mean to me?" Derek asked.

"Alpha, Beta, Omega?"

"That's right," Derek said, looking impressed. "It's a spiral," he went on as he stood. "It reminds us we can all rise to one or fall to another. Betas can becoma Alphas. But Alphas can fall to Betas or even Omegas."

"Like Scott?" Isaac asked.

"Scott's with us."

"Really?" I asked, speaking up. "Well, where is he now?"

"He's looking for Jackson. Don't worry, he's not gonna have it easy tonight either." After he finished, he leaned down, grabbing chains, then went on again. "None of us will." He reached down as he grabbed a head-band looking thing with nails. "There's a price you pay for this kind of power. YOu get the ability to heal." Isaac curiously reach for the headband thing, taking it. "But tonight yo're gonna want to kill anything you can find."

"Good thhing I had my period last week, then," Erica said.

I chuckled once.

Boyd, Isaac and Derek looked at us, and Derek took the headband thing from Isaac, looking at Erica. "Well, this one's for you."

I snorted. "Good luck with that."

Derek reached down into the trunk again, pulling out the identical headband thing, holding it up, raising his eyebrows slightly.

"For me?" I sighed out the words.

"For you," Derek answered.

Inside the subway cart now, Boyd was chained up already, and Erica was half-way.

Isaac stood behind Erica while I watched from behind Derek, Boyd asked, "What if we break free?"

At least Derek was the kind of guy that ripped the bandage clean off instead of soaking it. "Then you'll do anything you can to get out of here. Probably try to kill me, then kill each other, and kill anything else in a heart beat." He then looked behind Erica to Isaac. "I need you to hold her."

Listening, Isaac grabbed both of Erica's arms. "So how come the girls get to wear the head band things?"

"'Cause they'll be able to with-stand more pain the the two of you," Derek answered, looking from Isaac to Boyd. Erica and I shared a smirk. "I'm pretty sure Natalie's already proved that." I nodded once--if I could survive a car door slicing into my back, I was pretty sure I could live through this--and he went on. "I've got an extra one if you really want it."

"I'll pass."

Looking at Erica, Derek asked, "You ready?"

"Yeah," she answered, nodding subtly.

Derek lowered the head band thing over her head, Isaac still holding her and Derek started to screw the nails into Erica's head.

In a very gross, very eardrum breaking way. Erica was groaning at first until it entered her skull, and she started to scream.

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