Chapter 7__Restraint

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Derek wanted Isaac, Erica or me to get information on the kanima. And possibly who it was.

"So, why do we need their help?" I asked him, Isaac, Erica and I following him through the subway cart.

"'Cause it's harder to kill than I thought," Derek answered. "And I still don't know who it is."

"And they do?" I prompted further as we followed him out of the subway cart.

"They might." Derek said, turning to face us. "Which is why I need one of you to get on their good side."

"Hmm," Erica said. "Scott or Stiles?"


He turned to face a trunk on the ground as Isaac said, "You know, the full moon's coming, Derek."

"I'm aware of that."

He opened the trunk, revealing a whole bunch of chains that Erica, Isaac, Boyd and I had to wear for the upcoming full moon, and he pulled one out and set them down, and I walked forward, holding another pair in the air. "Oh, these look comfortable," I said  sarcastically.

Derek took them from my hand and set them down, Isaac saying, "You said you were gonna teach us to change whenever we wanted."

"There hasn't been time," Derek said.

"But if you have to lock us up during the full moon, that means you're alone against the Argents."

"They haven't found us."

As Derek started to walk away, Isaac said, "Yet. So why don't we just forget the kanima?"

Derek faced us again. "We can't! There was something about the way Gerard looked at it. He wasn't afraid. At all. Now, I don't know what he knows, or what he's planning, but I'm sure about one thing. We have to find it first."

Then he turned around again and walked away.

Erica was taking charge of the get-on-Scott-or-Stiles'-good-side-so-we-can-find-out-who-the-kanima-is thing. Isaac didn't want to be apart of it, and I didn't care.


As soon as I found out who the kanima was, I was going to help Derek, Erica, Isaac and Boyd kill him.

Didn't matter how.

Though I was preety sure I was going to us a car door somehow.

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