"I'm gonna go to my room to study, love you mom." He said, walking back over to the living room and picking up the textbooks.

"Don't stay up too late." His mother cautioned. "Goodnight, Izuku."

"Goodnight mom." He called back, walking to his room and shutting the door behind him. He carefully placed the textbooks on his desk before fishing the letter out of his pocket. The fox sticker holding the envelope closed seemed to be smiling mockingly at him, he took a bit more pleasure than he should have ripping the envelope open. A small letter fell onto the floor, standing out against his dark carpet. Crunching down, he picked it up and began to read.


I realize that it was probably rude of me to leave this while you were at the library, but let me get a few things straight: I've been keeping tabs on a lot of candidates, that includes their addresses. I know I can't just say 'don't worry' because, frankly, you're a teenager. God knows what's running through your head right now.

Anyways, there's an abandoned warehouse near the junkyard on the beach, meet me there tomorrow after school and we'll begin your training. Come alone.

Also, just because I'm training you doesn't mean you can skip out on studying. If your mother notices any falling grades she'll get suspicious, and suspicion is the last thing you want. Keep your nose in the books, kid.

-Nagaki Kuroda

Izuku folded the note and placed it right next to his computer. Meeting a dangerous former vigilante in an abandoned warehouse near the junkyard on the beach, he can do that. Exhausted from the day's events, he promptly changed into his pyjamas and flopped onto bed, falling asleep not five minutes after placing his head on the pillow.

____________Warning: A LOT of swearing ahead_________________

Something was up with Deku, what it was, Bakugou didn't know, and that pissed him the fuck off. First the fucking nerd starts ignoring him, then he starts to avoiding his presence completely. It was becoming rare that he even saw that shade of shitty green hair out of class; the fucking nerd thought he could run from Bakugou, boy was he in for the beating of his shitty Quirkless life. That is, if Bakugou could even catch the fuckmunch. Who did this fucker even think he was, anyways? At least before, he had the balls to take his beatings, now he's running away with his tail between his legs!

Bakugou, despite his caustic personality, was actually rather smart. It didn't go unnoticed that Deku's behavior shifted after the slime villain, the same day he told the useless bitch to stop trying to be a hero. Maybe his words finally got through, after nearly ten years of abuse, both verbal and physical. About fucking time. Ever since his quirk manifested, Bakugou knew he was destined for greatness, his classmates said it, his teachers said it, his parents said it, even strangers said it! He knew he was great, and when Deku's quirk never showed, it was just more proof that he was just better than everyone else. Deku was always meant to be useless, and Bakugou was meant to be the best.

So why did Deku avoiding him irk him so much? The damn nuisance didn't even write in his stupid hero journals anymore, just payed attention in class and took notes like a normal student. Maybe that was it, maybe the Quirkless freak was trying to fit in by making himself invisible. Tough shit, Deku, because Bakugou saw through that bullshit.

So naturally, when Deku started walking in the wrong direction after school (he was practically neighbors with the shitstain, it wasn't like he knew the route to Deku's house by heart from when they were smaller), he decided to follow. Yet somehow within five minutes of following the fucker, he'd lost him in the crowd.

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