8• A Race with the Rain

Start from the beginning

After his bath, I lead my Rem-Rem to his stall and feed him. Logan does the same with Shiloh and we meet in the alley.

He gestures me to come with him out under a big willow. Thunder thrashes around in the ominous purple clouds, sending a warning before a flash of lightning flicks through the sky. An uneasy expression covers my face as the clouds boil. A few drops of rain pat my head just as we get under the saggy branches of the weeping tree.

"Why did we come out here?" I ask, grinning as he relaxes his grip on my wrist to just barely holding on.

"It's just calm out here...plus I had to see my horse..." He looks at two big stones faced up with concrete on them.

Here lies the best horse ever, Sincota, who's forever in our hearts. Logan Young 8/29/14

My heart shatters as I read what's engraved in the concrete. Poor Logan. He lost his Sincota.

"Who was she?" I ask, fighting the urge to cuddle him and feel sorry for him.

"My childhood horse. She raised me...when I was adopted...she was all I had. That little mare was my everything." He smoothly sits down by it and strokes it with his fingers, touching the words lightly. "She was 38 when she died of age. Extremely old but she definitely did her time and served her purpose." Logan whispers. I smile and nod.

"What did she look like?"

"She was white with hints of silver and a blue eye. The most gorgeous horse I'd ever seen." I smile again and crouch down, putting my right hand on his back. We sit there a little longer before the clouds take over and spill. A heavy downpour suddenly strikes and pounds on the grass and gravel. I exchange a glance with Logan before sheltering my head with my hands and try to run out but Logan grabs me and spins me around to face him. He unzips his light jacket and rests it over my head. We run out to the barn once again and close the sliding wood doors behind us. Logan flicks on the continuous lights that are strung down the ceiling.

While Logan runs out to the other barn to turn on the lights, I get in the stall with Remy. Being a weekday, the barns aren't too busy. There were two or three girls riding in the indoor arena and a few in the hall. I use my hand to brush Remy off and while waiting for Logan, I sprint to the tack shed. I take a handful of oat and apple treats and get back to my, I mean, the bay stallion.

Staying outside the stall door, I feed him the treats, one by one. Logan rushes back in, soaking wet, leaving a trail of muddy bootprints on the cement floor. He nods as he takes off his dripping jacket and hangs it on Remy's bridle hook. I smile and go back to petting Remy. Logan grins and strokes Rem's black mane.

I stay there a little longer before I wave goodbye to Logan and Remington and run out to my now clean vehicle. Small hailstones begin to drum on the roof. I make it home and park the car in the garage and get in the house. Louie peeks around the corner and runs to my feet barking, following by a bulging bellied Becca. She welcomes me in and we sit on the couch with the rest of my family.

I get up and go to my room with Louie close behind. I gather up my stuff and shut the door in the bathroom as I enter. I put my stuff on the granite countertop and pull my hair out. It used to be down to my hips, right? Well the rain pretty well frizzed it up to my lower back. I sigh and turn on the shower. The hot water blazes over my hand before I turn it down cooler. I strip down and get in, mostly singing into my shampoo bottle, but hey.


I tell everyone goodnight and head to my room. My bed is extremely welcoming after a long day, and Louie I guess, feels the same, as he is already on my pillow. (No idea how he can get up there with his tiny peg legs)

Unwrapping the towel from my hair, I grasp my brush and begin the chore. I finally flick off the light and snuggle into bed with my puppy.

3:24 am

"Honey...Skyler, hon, wake up!" A faint whisper blurs in my ear. I flutter my eyes open and look up to see my mom in her pajamas looking down at me. Her dark brown hair flows down the sides of her face and tickles my nose.

"Wha? It's...Mom it's like 3:30! What!" I strike, throwing myself back on my pillow.

"I know, but...Becca's water broke, we're going to the hospital!" She beams. I sit up, smiling. It's happening! Yay!

"Yes! Alright let's go! Oh...um...I'll just drop Louie off with Logan for today." I slur, still half asleep. I get Louie in his kennel, a small blanket, my purse, my brush, and my phone. I call Logan and okay it with him that Louie stays there. (No idea why he's awake already or if I woke him up)
I get in the very back of the van; Jason is driving, Becca is in the passenger seat with a towel under her, Mom and Dad are in the second row of seats and Louie and I are in the back. Since the stables are on our way, luckily, Jason allows me to quickly drop off Louie with Logan. And we're off to the hospital...

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