
"Eritrea." Amberle yelled as she tried to catch up with Eritrea, "Look we have to go back."

"You're not safe back there."

"And so we just leave Wil and Fira?!" Amberle exclaimed

"No, of course not, we find cover and then we look for them once night falls." Before they could continue their discussion an arrow soared throw the air

"Run." They broke into sprint, Amberle tripped and dropped her sword,

"Amberle, come on." Eritrea urged, the princess got up and they continued running, they both lunge toward a slope and roll down losing the hunters.

"That was close."

"Yeah, no kidding"

" You know I feel like there is always something watching over us, I font know if it magic or fat-" Before Amberle could finish they heard a twig snap and they both fell though the ground and landed in some kind of building.

Eritrea groaned as she slowly got up," Are you okay?" Amberle slowly nodded

"Where are we?" Amberle groaned as she looked around the room full of chairs, balloons and lots of streamer. "I've heard of places like this building from the age of man buried during the Great War."

"You can't seriously believe that, they would have rotted away by now."

"They were sealed and preserved like a butterfly caught in amber," she said as she traces through the dust covered tables "It's almost like they were going to have a party."

"Place is creepy if you ask me." Eritrea said as she gingerly walked around, screeches echoed as a colony of bats exited the room through the whole the girls fell from

"Whatever this place is, we need to get out of here and fast before this elf hunters find us."

Back to Fira and Wil

The trio slowly made their way towards the hunters camp and hid behind a log

"When they cut of my ear the pain ... when they went for the other one my partner Genewen fight back and I escaped, I think they have her in there, maybe your friends too." The elf said as he pointed towards a cage

"What were you two doing out here?" Wil asked

"We were on a scouting mission, we come from Olden Moor, some of the elven villages were coming under attack by Demons, and so we started scouting missions to warn the outlying villages."

At the mention of Demons, Fira's heart raced it was her job to keep this realm safe but as the Ellcrys got weaker so did she, how was she supposed to protect the realm if she can't even protect her friends, when she can't even protect Eritrea.


"They had no idea there world was about to end, they look happy."

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