Chapter Six

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Ashton's P.O.V

Sarah wasn't very happy.

She was yelling at me and trying to tell me that our relationship was 'worth it" when I thought that I might as well give up.

Management could react very badly if we didn't take the warning. They set things up, so that they get our way, and I don't want Sarah involved with anything that could be harmful to her.

I've only seen her cry twice, now and when her dog died. Right now, I couldn't say the real reason why I wanted to end the relationship, because it would get me in deeper trouble.

The problem is, Sarah isn't perfect to the world we live in. It sounds like I'm calling her 'ugly' or 'mean' but she isn't those either.

When people say the word perfect, they don't think of her, they think of a model. Or their favourite singer. But not her. Because she has a small crease in her forehead, her nose is on a tilt and she has a singular pimple on her cheek.

Those are the things that people love to judge about a person. Mainly because, they aren't perfect themselves.

But although to the world she isn't perfect, to me, she's much more.


Sarah had left my house earlier, and Mikey had come around with Brit for a while.

"So Brit, have any family or anything?" I asked, being curious as ever.

"Well, I have 16 children and I'm hoping for a seventeenth" she said.

My eyes grew large and I was finding it hard not to just freak out.

"Ash, she was joking man" Mikey said, laughing hysterically.

"You have been known to have some- how do I put it? peculiar girlfriends in your time my friend" I said.

"Well, who's to say she's my girlfriend?" he asked.

I rolled my eyes.

"We better get going. don't you say Brit?"

"Yeah! I almost forgot, hah, time for my new hair!" She said excitedly.

"Oh okay okay. Hey, Mikey, could you please tell Cal to get over here, I need to talk to him" I asked.

"Why can't you?" he asked.

"I sorta used all my credit.."

He gave me a smile and walked out with Brit.

"I'll see what I can do. But I think I'm out too!" he replied.

He then shut the door. Leaving me on my own and thinking about everything. Technically, Sarah and I are together, because I haven't said anything. But I really don't know what to do right now.

The silence of my thinking was disturbed by my phone buzzing.

Without checking the number, I picked it up, only to be greeted by an unfamiliar voice.

"Hello?" I said

"Hello" said a female voice

"Who's this?" I asked

"Your worst nightmare" they said, laughing wickedly

"I'll report you, or call the cops, who is this!" I yelled

Then they started to sing:

" Tick tock there might be a knock

At your window tonight

You'll be standing there in despair

Oh you're lover must have got a fright

We'll be there all the time

Watching you hear this rhyme

And you may not be in time

To save the one you love"

There was beeping and they had hung up.

The song had made chills run down my spine and made me want to hide. Sarah wasn't safe anymore.

Management were just getting started.



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