Chapter Three

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Sarah's P.O.V

Ashton and I were walking hand in hand down town.

We were on one of our little 'lunch dates' but this time it was a double. Siobhan and Luke were walking next to us talking and smiling. She always looked cute when she laughed. I could see why Luke fell for her, rather than all the other typical girls that celebrities date.

As we walked inside the restaurant and sat down, I noticed we had a waitress not a waiter. Which meant more female attention for Ashton and Luke. Siobhan handled situations well, but I just blow my lid off when I feel intimidated. That's why she makes a better girlfriend. Although Ashton denies it.

She asked for what we wanted and gave me a smile as we ordered and she left to go deliver the message.

"What do you guys wanna do after?" Shaz said, looking at her dress.

"Movie marathon?" Ashton asked.

"Sounds great! Mikey said he wants us to meet someone so I guess I'll tell him to take them round to your hotel room" She replied.

Ashton nodded.


"I don't mind what movie really!" Siobhan exclaimed.

"WORLD WAR Z!" Luke yelled

"No way, that's garbage! 21 Jump Street!" Ashton said

"Guys I've seen them both like ten times can we just watch something else?" I said.

"No!" The two boys said in sync

"Guys we're watching Ted. End. Of. Story." Siobhan said, forcefully.

The boys and I nodded. Siobhan rarely asked for stuff, so when she did, she got it. Plus, her movie taste was really good. Her taste in everything was great. It was really weird.

About an hour later Mikey turned up with a girl around my age. She was blonde, quite tall and really pretty. I was pretty confused about who she actually was.

"Hey guys" Mikey said "This is Brit".

"Hey Brit!" Siobhan said, very happily.

"Hey?" I said.

"Hi, nice to meet you, I'm Luke" Luke said.

"hello" said Ashton.

"Nice to meet you guys! You all seem 100% nice and all" she said, smiling.

Well at least I didn't have an enemy on the first day. But my question was, why would Michael kiss me, then introduce us to a girl. Who he obviously likes a lot. And I can see why, she's nice and pretty. Double whammy.


As I lay my head down to sleep, Ashton walks in and sits on my bed.

"We gotta get up real early tomorrow babe" he said.

"Whys that?" I ask.

"We gotta catch a plane to Sydney!" He said.


"Wait, WHAT?" I screamed.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"I'm not packed, not ready and too tired!" I said, almost in tears.

"Oh, Luke and I packed all your stuff for you. We even got an outfit out for you for tomorrow. Also, you'll get to meet One Direction when we get there!" He said, he showed his dimples and I smiled at him.

"Well, fine. But you're driving me to see my friends when we're there" I said

"Yeah yeah whatever, maybe they can meet the boys too" he said.

I nodded and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Night" I said

"Night, love you" he said.

"Love you too" I whispered.

My eyes shut and I fell asleep slowly.



hello dere guiz.

Brit has been introduced is this good?

This fanfic is going one of a series of books.

But best lovers isn't related to them in any way!

Love ya


Too Young, Too Dumb (Ashton Irwin)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant