Gareth Bale

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Gareth Bale

"And you are?" The woman behind the desk asks

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"And you are?" The woman behind the desk asks. "Nyah bello." I say to the woman and she looks at me weirdly. "Alright , can you spell?" She asks with that bored expression. Instead of spelling it , I write it down for her. "Thank you." She says and types my name in Her computer. A couple minutes later , she hands me a card and some papers. "Your room is on the fifth floor , number 216. Enjoy your stay." She says , not even paying attention to me. "Thank you." I say and walk with my suitcase behind me , to the elevator. She was at a hotel in Madrid , Madrid! She was in Europe for the upcoming month.

Living in Africa wasn't always that easy. Living with a darker skin tone wasn't that easy either. She studies in south-Africa and to continue her study she had to go to Madrid. She was studying for psychologist. A few months ago , she received a very professional mail from a man , who trained soccer players. Real madrid was the club he trained them for. She heard about Real Madrid often , so she knows it's a big deal. She prepared for it and she was ready to help the players. She was told that she was helping them to calm down before games and just try to relax them with her words , or something. Her tutor told her to take this job , because it will actually give her a lot of freedom , but she would also learn a lot.

Her hotel room was almost bigger than her apartment. Jesus , she had a shower and a bath! It was all too luxurious for her to feel comfortable about. Her parents weren't poor , but they weren't rich either. When she went to college , she had a small apartment , she could afford with her small loan.
She laid down on her bed and opened her mail on her laptop. She received one from the real madrid man , they were meeting tomorrow. She would finally meet her 'clients'.

A uber picked her up and drove her to the meeting place. She was dropped at this restaurant , la terraza del Casino , a three michelin starred restaurant. She heard about it a lot from her friends.
Stepping inside a very beautiful woman escorted her to a table , with a lot of man. It was very summery today in Madrid , so She decided to put on a very pretty , but simple yellow colored dress. Her hair was just natural , afro.

"Ah, miss Bello

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"Ah, miss Bello. You are here! A bald man said And shook her hand friendly. "I'm zinédine , the coach of these idiots." He jokingly said and some of them chuckled , while others just rolled their eyes.
"Well , introduce yourself."he smiled and patted her shoulder softly. What was she supposed to say? All their eyes were on her and she felt herself grow more nervous every second. "Uh.. Hi. I'm Nyah Bello. I study to become a psychologist and.-""you guys can talk to her whenever you guys want to. I noticed there's some emotional problems by some of you and she will listen to you and well.. We hope it will relieve stress and make you all play better." Zinédine interrupted her with a soft laugh.
"Alright." One said , with a man bun on the back of his head. Man buns , that still a thing?
"Anyways, come sit with us and have a delicious meal." She was pulled next to a man with also a afro , only smaller and the guy with the bun.
"Hello , I'm Marcelo." He said and shook her hand. "Nyah." She smiled at him. "Gareth." She heard a voice say next to her. Turning around she sees man bun , Gareth , pulling out his hand for her to shake it.
"So you're here for us to relieve our 'stress' huh. Why?" He asked her with a half smile. "I study to become a psychologist and they gave me this job offer and well, it's something totally different then what I normally do."i say a bit nervous. "That's why you accepted it." He smiled at her and looks at her hair. "Where are you from? I mean , your Name is exotic. " "uh well. Born in south-Africa and still living there." I smile proudly. "Ever thought about moving to a total different country?""i always wanted to live in Europe. So , maybe one time I'll have my home there. Will see what the future will bring me." I say and he laughs softly. "Well Nyah, I hope to see you more often , I think you are good company." He smiles and starts talking with one of his fellow teammates.

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