Life path

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So bright in the middle of the night

So dark in the middle of the day

Everything is going upside down

Like my head, my silly little head

People say i am crazy

That i can't see the absolute reality

But they have no idea that reality is not absolute

If you took a different path in your past then you are not living the should be called reality

Our conciousness is not only one because the world is parallel

But most of them only living in one

My mind is special, it's unique

I can go anywhere anytime just because i want to

People say that my life is a mess

That i shouldn't live like an animal

But they have no idea that maybe, just maybe

They are animals in the other lifepath

People around me live in the doll house

Successful husband, sophisticated wife and healthy children

Big house with swimming pool

It's just that they forgot to teach the kids how to swim

They are too busy living for theirselves

They don't realize that they live with others

That every life is connected somehow

Maybe not in this current world but in others

Remember the path that you almost took

Then you'll know that there are so many possibilities

You might be not end up as who you are right now

No border between illusion and reality

Take care of your poor neighbour

In the other lifepath you might be the one who needs help

Don't be lost in sadness too much when you lost your loved ones

In the other lifepath you might be a killer

LifepathTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang