Five Facts Tag

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Thank you for the tag AverageEverydayHero because that means that you have been thinking about your illegitimate wife (shhh, Ray doesn't know). But it also means that I have to go to the effort to think of five facts about me, even if it is a few days late I have overcome my procrastination. 

RULES (from my memory from Linday's so I don't know how well this well go):
1. You have to post five facts about yourself
2.  Cannot be done in comments
3. Complete within a week
4. Post the rules
5. Don't give up (meaning no procrastination)
6. Tag some people (I'll only do two since a lot of people have done this)


1. I'm part New Zealand-er. I know - but Softie you are Australian - but my Mum is actually from New Zealand so that makes me half kiwi (that's what you call it) and half-Aussie. So I occasionally switch between teams when I watch sports xD 

2. I live on a farm. Yeah, self-explanatory and even though the wifi is crappy and slower than a snail going slower than a tortoise  I would rather the country over the city any day (but that's not to say I don't like cities because they do have amazing shops and I LOVE shopping). We have cows (over two hundred so I'm not a huge fan of their 'cute' mooing noises), a horse (my babygirl) and three cats (they speak to me on a level that humans cannot)

3. I have a older brother and *exchange* sister. So in 2015 my family decided to host an exchange student so now I have a sister in Italy who I miss so much. When she left our house, there was this huge hole and my brother moved for university not long after so I'm an only child at home now. As much as I like not being annoyed - it's sort of lonely. Which is why (being the youngest (but only by a year and then two years)) I spam them both with messages about how much I love them and then with ideas about Minecraft.

4. Minecraft. Not much to say other than I'm still waaaayyy to addicted to it. Not the phone or xbox or playstation - the PC version because what's not to love! I mainly go on it to procrastinate against studying which is quite a lot xD

5. I am an avid watcher of Pretty Little Liars, Teen Wolf and (recently) The Hundred. I love them all (Stiles <3) and I'm up to date with PLL and TW because they are just *weird fangirl scream*. There are no words :D

BONUS: Just because I remembered - I'm Team Mystic on Pokemon Go!! Mystic is boss!

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So anyways, that's five facts about me completed. Hope you learnt something new about the mysterious icecream and I refused to put my name in that because I'm evil and I like it :D

I will try not to double-tag people because I am a very nice person (evil to nice xD)

I tag my original AG squad:

a-k-a-anonymous TheFactionless and I would tag Ray and Val but I love you guys so you're off the hook

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