Baby, I'm not moving on

I love you long after you're gone.

For you, for you.

You will never sleep alone.

I love you long after you're gone

And long after you're gone, gone, gone.

When you fall like a statue

I'm gon' be there to catch you

Put you on your feet, you on your feet.

And if your well is empty

Not a thing will prevent me.

Tell me what you need, what do you need?

I surrender honestly.

You've always done the same for me.

So I would do it for you, for you.

Baby, I'm not moving on,

I love you long after you're gone.

For you, for you.

You will never sleep alone.

I love you long after you're gone

And long after you're gone, gone, gone.

You're my back bone.

You're my cornerstone.

You're my crutch when my legs stop moving.

You're my head start.

You're my rugged heart.

You're the pulse that I've always needed.

Like a drum, baby, don't stop beating.

Like a drum, baby, don't stop beating.

Like a drum, baby, don't stop beating.

Like a drum my heart never stops beating...

For you, for you.

Baby, I'm not moving on.

I love you long after you're gone.

For you, for you.

You will never sleep alone.

I love you long after you're gone.

For you, for you.

Baby, I'm not moving on,

I love you long after you're gone.

For you, for you.

You will never sleep alone.

I love you long, long after you're gone.

Like a drum, baby, don't stop beating.

Like a drum, baby, don't stop beating.

Like a drum, baby, don't stop beating.

Like a drum my heart never stops beating for you.

And long after you're gone, gone, gone.

I love you long after you're gone, gone, gone.}

I laughed at my self as the song ended. I know i probably looked like a total idiot but i had a lot of fun listening to that song. I finished up the kitchen and grabbed an apple and went back up to my room. Now it was around noon and i was super tired from cleaning. I watched some Tyler Oakley videos on youtube and then took a nap.

~after the nap~

I lounged around for pretty much the rest of the day. I took a shower and went back to watching tv. Like usual i did a lot of thinking.... About everything. That was just me, i was always thinking about everything its part of the reason i never payed attention in school. Because im so busy thinking about other crap.

It was around 6 and i was back to watching youtube videos. I love youtube soo much! Dylan has an account but he doesnt post anything anymore but his old videos are hilarious. His true wanna be video makes my almost pee my pants from laughing when i watch it. After watching youtube for hours... I changed into my pjs and called it a day. I threw a movie in the dvd player and passed out. Tomorrow was just the start of another long day in court.

Dylan's POV ~

Today Raelynn had a day all to her self. She really needed it i could tell. Shes just been so stressed out i know she needed some time to herself to do what she does best.... Think. Kaden and i hung out with some of his friends and were now on our way to a party. I was the young one of the group... I was the kid who was going into senior year and everyone else was pretty much graduated but it was all cool i knew all the guys from hanging with Kaden so it was no big deal.

We got to the party and there was people everywhere. People drinking and making out EVERYWHERE! I laughed and found a group of people i knew besides Kaden and hung out. I drank a couple beers and let loose, i had been pretty stressed for Rae a lot so this was also some Dylan time.

~skipping to the middle of the night~

Kaden was totally bombed.... I told him it was fine that he stayed at his friends i didnt want him driving drunk like that. I was buzzed but not drunk, i really didnt want to stay at this guys house though so i decided to walk back to Raelynn's. it was about a 10 block walk so it wasnt that bad... It was like 2 in the morning so the roads were quiet.

I to Rae's and quietly went upstairs and into her room. Clearly she was sleeping. I took my shirt off and my shoes and slowly slide into Rae's bed trying not to walk her up. I was successful, i wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close. She wiggled in her sleep and snuggled up against me, i smiled and fell asleep.

~Skipping 2 more weeks~

{Last day of court}

Raelynn's POV ~

"I told you everything would be okay Raebug" Dylan whispered in my ear and then kissed my cheek as we stood up in the court room getting ready to leave.

"I know Dyl, i know" i said.

Thats it... Hes done and out of my life. For. EVER! They put Mike in jail for ~ harassment, rape, endangerment of a minor, and breaking the rules of his 1st restraining order. Its a 10 year sentence and then when hes out he'll have another restraining order and be on probation. I finally felt safe. For real! For the 1st time in 6years.

Also now that all this crap is over with... I can finally start my real summer vacation!!


Soo super duper long chapter!! Hope ya like it! Comment, like, all the goods ;) love ya guys! 💕 Krissy

P.S. ~ might be ending this fanfic soon.... But im not sure yet so dont freak! ;)

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