Chapter 2 - Fireworks

Start from the beginning

"It's just... Your cousins and Clarissa are all drinking, I just feel sick." Jack hugged Mark and buried his face in Mark's shoulder.

"You've felt sick a lot today." Mark said with concern.

"Just a lot has happened." Jack mumbled into Mark's shoulder. "You kind of sprung it on me that I'm gonna be alone with ten strangers for three days." He admitted.

"I'm sorry, I won't do something like that ever again." Mark apologized and hugged Jack tighter. "I just wanted you to get to know my family since I visit them a lot, and you're not alone, you have me." Mark rubbed Jack's back gently.

"I'd rather have you than anyone else." Jack kissed the base of Mark's neck. "But you know how I am with alcohol."

"You've gotten better with it, though." Mark told him. "Just try and stay away from it as much as possible, okay?" Mark gently scratched Jack's back, drawing shapes and trying to comfort him.

"Okay. I love you so much." Jack pulled back from their hug. "Now gimme kisses before we have to go back out again." Jack giggled. Mark kissed Jack, moving their lips together in a long, passionate kiss. Jack moved his hand up to play with Mark's hair, loving the sparks of electricity running down his spine. He kissed Mark for a bit longer before finally begrudgingly pulled away. He took Mark's hand and they walked outside.

Jack avoided Clarissa, Nathan, Jason, and Aaron, and instead stood in the driveway next to Mark's cousin Brad.

"Hey, congratulations to you and Mark. You guys seem really happy together." Marks cousin with jet black hair, Brad, started the conversation.

"Thanks! I don't wanna say something weird like 'I love your cousin', but yeah, Mark and I are really happy together." Jack made Brad laugh.

"So how long have you guys known each other?" Brad asked.

"We met around the end of Sophomore year. We were only friends for a month before we started dating, actually." Jack watched Mark help McKenna light the first firework.

"Wow, so you guys hit it off right at the start, huh?" Brad was slightly surprised.

"I guess, yeah." Jack watched the first firework launch up into the air and explode into a burst of color. He flinched slightly at the loud noise.

"So you said you were playing the Joker in the Suicide Squad movie." Brad watched all the fireworks launch calmly, but Jack flinched slightly with each boom.

"Yeah! It's so much fun, I met a lot of pretty cool people in the cast." Jack smiled.

"What other movies have you been in?" Brad asked.

"This is my first one, actually." Jack turned away from the fireworks, trying not to pay attention to what was being set off.

"That's super impressive! I can't wait to go see it." Brad grinned broadly. "Are the fireworks bothering you?" He asked.

"I'm not a huge fan of fireworks." Jack admitted with a shrug.

"Then why did you propose to Mark at the firework show?" Brad set down his soda on a cooler by his feet.

"I don't like fireworks, but Mark loves them. And I'm okay with official firework shows since there's security and people there to control them and everything, but I don't really like backyard firework shows. I've had some bad experiences lighting off fireworks with my cousin." Jack shrugged. "Also I thought the pictures of Mark and I and the fireworks would look pretty." He giggled.

"That's aweso- LOOK OUT!" Brad jumped to the side quickly. Jack shrieked as he barely dodged a spinning firework headed right for him. The firework landed in the dirt and the flame went out to reveal a tattered ladybug print. Jack's breathing scattered erratically, and he muttered a quiet apology to Brad before rushing inside.

Mark rushed out from the side of the house with a few fireworks in his arms. He hadn't been paying attention to the fireworks Tom was lighting off. He set down the fireworks and rushed inside after Jack, leaving everyone to mutter worried judgements behind them.

"Jack? Baby, where are you?" Mark called once he shut the door. He walked to their bedroom, opened the door, and saw Jack sitting on the bed curled up into a ball. "I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attention to what Tom was lighting off, I didn't realize he had bought any of those, I'm so, so sorry-"

"I-It's okay." Jack said shakily. Mark sat on the bed and hugged Jack close, running one hand through Jack's hair and rubbing his back with the other. He pulled up the blanket and wrapped Jack up so he was cozy and warm, and just held him until he knew he was okay.

"I love you so much." Mark whispered into Jack's hair, then kissed the top of his head softly.

"I love you, too." Jack sighed and snuggled into Mark.

"I'm sorry that happened, you proposed to me and this vacation is just going to shit and-" Mark whimpered.

"Hey, it's okay. I just got scared, it's not your fault." Jack consoled Mark.

"I should have made sure. It's all my fault." Mark hugged Jack closer. "We can go home, if you want." His voice cracked slightly.

"No, let's stay. Let's give it another shot." Jack lay his head on Mark's chest. They sat in silence for a few minutes; Mark held Jack close, trying to accept his forgiveness and rest his tired eyes. Jack drew shapes and swirls on Mark's chest with his index finger, listening to Mark's heartbeat and slightly shaky breathing.

"Is it okay if I ask... Why are you afraid of spinning fireworks?" Mark asked timidly.

"Remember how I used to go to Damon's house for a few weeks in the summer?" Jack said, and Mark nodded. "I would be there during the Fourth of July, and since he lived a little more out in the woods, we would light off fireworks on his front porch. One year he had some ladybugs that a friend gave him. He wanted to try one out, so we set one off on his cement block. The first couple went fine, but ladybugs almost always go wrong. I stood off to the side and played with some smoke bombs while he lit another ladybug. It spun off the brick and went right for me. I didn't realize what happened when it flew up my shirt, got stuck, and skid across my back. It's still one of the most physically painful things that's ever happened to me." Jack told Mark. "It's one of my scars." He tugged on the back of his shirt and took it off.

"Yeah, I've seen this one before, I just didn't know what it was from." Mark ran his delicate fingers over the faded white skid mark.

"I'm tired. You can go back out and watch the fireworks, I'm done." Jack wrapped his hand around Mark's wrist, silently begging him to stay.

"I'll go tell them we're going to bed." Mark pat Jack's knee and stood up, walking out the front door.

"Hey, is Jack okay?" Aunt Erica asked as soon as Mark stepped out.

"Yeah, he's just not feeling well." Mark told her.

"Did the firework hit him?" Mark's cousin with white blonde hair, Lily, asked.

"No, but he's been feeling sick almost all day. We're gonna go to bed." Mark told everyone, then walked back to the door. Everyone muttered their goodnights and well wishes before Mark shut the door and headed back to his and Jack's bedroom.

"I told them you weren't feeling well. Everyone says they hope you feel better." Mark climbed in bed. Jack immediately clung to Mark and snuggled up to him.

"I love you so much Markimoo, goodnight." Jack sighed and lay his head on Mark's chest.

"Goodnight, love." Mark kissed the top of Jack's head before quickly drifting off to sleep.


2,507 words. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I'm glad we're near the end of the trip, I wanna get to the fun, cute, lovey dovey stuff :P

If you have any suggestions for this story or if you have any ideas for chapters or events, please let me know! :D

Anyway, thank you guys so much for reading and if you liked it PUNCH that vote button in the face, LIKE A BOSS! And I will see all you bosses IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!

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