About the author (me)

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Since this is a true story about me I'm gonna share some stuff about myself. In this story I'm not gonna use my real name just in case any one I know sees this and tells everyone. So in this story my name is going to be Bella. I'm 12 years old and I go to an intermediate school, if your not familiar with that its a 5-6 school. I know there's no point in that but whatever. I am a lesbian but I tell everyone I'm bi so there not to freaked out. I have tried to tell my close friends but they say we and try to ignore me so I just lie and say I was just joking and there all good now. I don't get it! Just because I'm a lesbian doesn't mean I wanna fuck every girl I see! Do straight girls wanna fuck every guy they see?! I didn't think so!
So now that you know a bit about me let's get into the story, oh and here's the fun part about this story...there's not yet an ending!...By that I mean I'm still living the story and there's not an ending yet, fun right? So less of the chit-chat let's get into this story!

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