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It was 6 o'clock in the morning and just like any other human being *coughs* husband *coughs* on the planet, John woke up to prepare for his and Sherlock's breakfast. Yes, their breakfast.

John went downstairs (still groggy) barefoot and wearing only his robe. He was too tired to put on his jumper and a pair of jeans, so he went there looking like that. (Sexaa~ay)

When he reached the kitchen, he immediately rummaged through their fridfe and tried to find something edible and suitable for breakfast. He went through the vegetable compartment and saw fingers and thumbs inside a plastic bag. It didn't shock him anymore. (When you've lived with the detective for a long time, you'll get used to it)

"Will Sherlock like human thumbs for breakfast?" John muttered and laughed at his own though. Oh, he is so hilarious. 

He closed the veggie compartment and searched the freezer next. He was actually shocked to see that there was someting in there.
No, not decapitated heads or human body parts, it was bacon. There was bacon in the freezer. He didn't do the shopping yesterday, so how...? Oh, maybe it was Mrs. Hudson. Maybe their landlady put it in there in fear that they might eat their own kind.

Oh, well.

John got the bacon out from the fridge and started cooking. He prepared everything including the morning tea. Once he was done, he decided to go to his flatmate's room and knocked on his door. 


John knocked two times but there was still no answer. 


It took him a couple of knocks before his flatmate opened his door and glared daggers at him. John sighed and crossed his arms.

"I understand that you haven't slept for three days - though it's really your fault - but we," John points at Sherlock and him, "have to eat. You. Especially you."

Sherlock did not speak, he just stared at John.

"Sherlo-" John was about to give Sherlock a lecture and explain to him the importance of breakfast when suddenly, the detective leaned his head on John's shoulders and wrapped his arms around the doctor's neck. 

John almost lost his balance, so he quickly (and unconsciously) wrapped one arm around the detective's body while his other hand held onto the door frame so the both of them won't fall down on the floor... with Sherlock on top of him, of course.

 "Hey," John said in a strangled voice.

Sherlock just groaned.

"Can you please..." Sherlock was getting really heavy and John knew he was doing it on purpose. 

"Nooooo! Ugh!" 

Sherlock became heavier and John had to hold on to the door frame tightly even though his hand and fingers already hurt. 

"Okay, I understand, Sherlock... Just get -"


"Stop acting like a ch-"


"We can't stay like th-" 

"Yes, we can."

"I have wor-"

"No, you don't."

"Yes, I d-"


John let out a huge sigh and just gave up. There was no use, obviously. Sherlock will act like a child no matter what he'd say. 

So, they just stayed that way for quiet a while, standing, Sherlock leaning on John, all of his body weight on him. Wonderful. (And he's being sarcastic)

Until something rumbled. 


No answer.

"That was you, wasn't it?" 

No answer.

An amused smile slowly spread across his face and he pat the detective's arm gently, "Go back to your room, breakfast in bed coming up. Come on." 

"Really? How did you know I want that?" 

"I just know." John smiled.

Sherlock slowly loosened his hold on John's neck and smiled at him before going back to his room. 

John quickly went back to the kitchen, fixed their breakfast on a tray and brought it to Sherlock.

There, they sat on the bed, ate and talked about the case they just solved. 

John knew what they looked like - the two of them in there - but trust him, they're really not a couple.

Sherlock Holmes & John Watson [One Shots]Where stories live. Discover now