Adoption day

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(a/n its been a short minute since a last wrote a part on this story, I'm back now. yay! but I read back through and it's all pretty cringy and badly written so I'm gonna edit all that parts first.)

Hi, I'm Mollie and I live in an adoption centre, great life I know but it all gets better when my to favourite YouTubers adopt me... 

Mollies POV
" wake up Mollie!" I hear emira shout (she's my soul sister/best friend/ roommate). I wake up to a slap.
"Owwwww!" I say 

"sorry," Emira says 

"Ok, what's so urgent,"

"Someone's come to adopt,"

"Yeah, how does that affect me?"

"Well... don't know,"

"I'm going on my laptop so leave me the fuck alone!" 

"finally time to relax, "I say as I turn my laptop on to watch my favourite YouTubers Jacksepticeye and Markiplier. After two and a bit videos, Emira comes back into the room slamming the door into the wall on her way in.

"what do you want now," I ask, trying to sound nice but failing

"I want you to get dressed," she says sternly.

"why we already discussed there's no point in me getting changed, no ones gonna adopted me just let me live my last few months here in peace." I calmly state trying to get her to leave.

"look, Mollie, I really do understand why you don't care anymore, but I still care about you and if it's gonna take me dressing you myself I will do it."

"okay i'll get dressed just for you though, no-one else, just you."

Adopted by septiplierWhere stories live. Discover now