Chapter 8 *Rewritten*

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A/N - Nothing much changed in this chapter. Mostly some description and formatting.

Madison walked down the hanger bay with her father on one side, Natasha on the other and Steve in front of them.

They walked onto one of the jets.

"Hey, you guys aren't authorized to be in here", an agent said.

"Son, just don't", Steve said.

Madison grabbed the agent's arm and threw him off the jet.

Steve turned to her as her father took the pilot's seat. He could see the anger bubbling under her skin. He walked up to her and rubbed her arms with his hands. "Hey, what's wrong?" he asked.

"Nothing. I had a fight with my father. He doesn't think I should be going with you", she said softly. Madison looked up into Steve's blue eyes and said, "I'm scared".

"You have a right to be. You're just a kid Madison".

"Not just for myself. For all of us. My father, Natasha, you".

Steve gave her a small smile took her chin in his hand. He tilted her head up and gently kissed her.

Clint growled, but stopped when Natasha hit him on the arm.

"They're happy", she said softly, "Don't ruin it".

Madison was an adult now.

Barely, but he knew this day would come.

Someday she'd fall in love.

He just didn't think that day would come so soon.

As they got closer to New York, the more anxious Madison became. "Can't you fly this thing any faster?" she asked her father.

"Don't start with me Madison Annemarie Barton", Clint snapped.

Steve stepped up and ran his hands soothingly up and down her arms. "It's gonna be okay", he told her.

She wanted so badly to believe him. When she joined SHIELD, she never in a million years thought she'd be doing this.

They finally arrived in New York and the invasion had already started.

"Stark, we're on your three, headed northwest", Natasha said.

"What? Did you stop for drive through?" Stark snapped, "Swing up Park. I'm gonna lay them out of you".

They soared around New York shooting at the Chitari as they approached Stark Tower.

"Nat?" Clint asked.

"I see him".

Loki raised his scepter and shot out one of the engines.

They were suddenly falling out of the sky...again.

Steve, tall enough, grabbed onto the top of the jet, while Madison was thrown from one side of the jet to the other.

Her father desperately tried to land the jet. When he got out of his seat, he rushed over to Madison. "Baby Bird?" he asked.

Madison groaned and stumbled to her feet, holding her head.

"It's okay. I got you. Daddy's got you", Clint said softly.

Madison scrambled for her bow and followed them out of the jet. She loaded an arrow and surveyed her surroundings.

"We got to get back up there", Steve said running towards Stark Tower.

They all followed.

Suddenly, a large snake/whale thing came out of the portal and roared.

"Stark, are you seeing this?" Steve asked.

"Seeing, still working on believing".

"That makes two of us", Madison muttered.

"Where's Banner? Has he shown up yet?" Stark asked.

"Banner?" Steve asked him.

"Just keep me posted".

The four of them took cover behind a taxi.

"We've got civilians trapped up here", Clint said.

"Loki", Steve said, watching him fly by. Steve looked over the side of the bridge they were on as Loki shot taxis and buildings, people screaming and running looking for shelter. "They're fish in a barrel down there".

Natasha stood up and started shooting, along with Clint. "We got this. It's good. Go", Natasha told him.

"Do you think you can hold them off?"

"Captain, it would be my genuine pleasure", Clint said and started to fire arrows.

Steve knelt in front of Madison.

There was fear in her blue/grey eyes.

"Madison...I..." Steve started to say, but Madison stopped him.

"Please don't say it", she pleaded, "We'll both get out of this alive. I promise".

Steve leaned down and kissed her. He broke the kiss quickly and got up.

Madison stood up and watched the man she cared about run into the line of fire. She'd promise him that they'd both make it out alive. She only hoped she could keep that promise.

Daddy's Blunt Little Instrument (Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now