Chapter 6 *Rewritten*

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A/N - Not much changed in this chapter. Mainly formatting and such.

As Madison was walking back to the bridge, there was a loud explosion. She needed to get back to the control room or grab or bow and do something.

The helicarrier lurched to the side violently, causing Madison to fall and knock her head on the steel rail.

"Madison! Report! What's your location? Are you hurt?" Steve asked over the com.

There was no answer.

"Madison!" Steve yelled.

There was no time to find her. They needed to stop the helicarrier from falling out of the sky.

Steve shook his head and ran after Stark.

Natasha had a good idea of where Madison was, but right now she had to deal with Bruce. She just hoped that where ever Madison was, she was safe. "I'll find her Cap", Natasha said, "You have my word".

Madison opened her eyes and she was 8 again.

Her father was off on a job and she had been left in the apartment. There was a thunder clap and she shot out of bed.

"Daddy! Daddy!" she yelled running through the dark apartment. Someone caught her.

"Gotcha", a female voice said.

Madison smiled and said, "Tasha".

"Hello Madison. What are you doing out of bed?"

"The thunder scared me".

Natasha started to lead Madison back to her bedroom.

"No Tasha!" she yelled, "Daddy always lets me sleep in his bed with him".

"Well sweetheart, your daddy isn't here right now".

"Then will you let me sleep with you?"

Tasha sighed and picked up the little girl. She carried her back to her bed and laid down beside the small girl.

Madison clung to Natasha's shirt as she silently cried.

When Clint arrived the next morning and found the two fast asleep. He smiled and went to his bedroom to get some sleep.

"Madison, Madison", Madison heard a female voice say softly.

"Mmm...mama", Madison groaned, "It hurts".

"I know Baby Bird. Can you stand?"

Madison nodded and struggled to her feet.

Natasha helped her back to the control room.

When they arrived at the bridge, Madison felt large muscular arms wrap around her and the familiar scent of Steve filled her nose. "I was so worried about you", he said.

Madison lifted her head from his chest and managed to open her eyes. Her fuzzy vision settled on Steve's crystal blue eyes. "Hey", she said giving him a smile, "God my head hurts".

Steve chuckled and kissed her head.

Fury turned to them.

"What?" Madison asked.

"We recovered your father".

"You what?!" she said, pulling away from Steve.

"Slow down Madison", Steve said grabbing her arm, "He's still unconscious and there's something else".

"Why do you look so sad? Who died?" Madison joked.

No one smiled.

"Wait. Someone actually died?" she asked.

"It was Coulson. He's dead", Steve told her.

Madison froze. "No", she gasped. She shook her head as tears filled her eyes.

The man who practically raised her was dead and she was lying unconscious just meters away.

"Madison..." Steve said, trying to soothe her.

"No!" she screamed. She ripped her arm out of Steve's grip and bolted from the room, Steve running after her.

He caught her when they reached the training room.

"It's not possible. He's not dead! He can't be!" she yelled.

Steve grabbed her and pulled her into his chest.

She finally broke down in Steve's arms.

He lowered them to the floor as she cried into his chest.

Daddy's Blunt Little Instrument (Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now