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A/N: I think I kinda got carried away with this. The last scene might not make sense unless you think of it like flipping back and forth between Emma and Antonio. Also, this is an AU where Netherlands and Belgium aren’t related.

The art gallery was busy that night, full of men and women dressed their best and drinking red wine. Antonio was no different, wearing a sharply pressed suit and his nicest tie. His smile came often and with ease as he wandered around, pretending to care about the works of art on display. What he was really here for was the people.

Men or women, he wasn't picky. He was looking for a badge that marked a person as a member of the Looking For Love Club, his own badge glinting in the dim lights. Spotting a badge attached to the chest of an attractive blond man, Antonio made his way through the crowd.

“Hi!” He greeted the man cheerfully. “I’m Antonio.”

“Lars.” The man said back, giving the slightest of smiles. It was very, very slight, almost like it was difficult for him to smile. His hair was slicked so that it stood straight up, and his green eyes glinted with a hard stare. He was tall, muscular, and extremely good-looking.

“Do you enjoy art?” Antonio asked, gesturing at the painting behind him. Lars turned to look at it. It was modern, colour blocked and saturated.

“I know absolutely nothing about it.” Lars replied.

Antonio chortled. “Me too. It is nice, though, don't you think?”

“I suppose.”

“Do I hear you gentlemen discussing discussing the Jones piece?”

Antonio turned to see one of the workers at the art gallery. He was smiling amicably, holding notecards. “Would you like to hear more about it?”

“Sure.” Shrugged Antonio.

“Alfred F. Jones is an American artist, born in Washington in 1991.” He began. Lars was listening attentively, looking at the speaker, however Antonio preferred to look at Lars. “He created this piece last year while visiting Hamburg. You'll notice the use of cold colours and very similar value. Some think this piece represents his sense of detatchment to-”

“I’m going to have to stop you right there,” Antonio interrupted, “Is there a spot in this gallery where you can sit and talk quietly?”

“The lounge is just down the stairs there.” The worker informed him, seeming a bit miffed. With a nod, he walked stiffly away.

“Would you like to go there and talk?” Antonio grinned at Lars.

“Why not.” Lars agreed, and turned away towards the stairs. Antonio followed giddily.

They sat in the lounge for the rest of the evening, just chatting. They didn't talk about anything of importance. Technically, it was their first date, and one did not impose too serious questions on the first date.

By the time the art gallery was closing, Antonio felt he could ask Lars to take him home.

“So,” He spoke up, as the people around them started getting up to leave, “This has been fun.”

“It was nice meeting you, Antonio.” Lars said emotionlessly, but his eyes reflected interest.

“I was wondering if we could get to know each other a bit more.” Antonio pushed, licking his lips.

“It’s late.” Lars countered. “Won’t you be tired?”

“As long as I get three to four hours. ” Antonio shrugged.

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