Meeting Him

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Y/N=your name

L/N=last name

H/C=hair color

E/C=eye color

F/P=favorite place

I was walking down the street to the super market, mother need some things for diner tonight. There were so many people there gathered around the docks. I looked around and all the shops were closed.

"Come on hurry up" a man yelled to his friend.

I wonder what's going on I thought.

"Sir what's going on" I asked a near by man who was with his wife and child.

"You didn't hear" he asked.

"Hear what" I questioned.

"One of our boats came back the enemy  sunk it, their having the crew evacuate the ship" he continued.

I looked over and saw men of all ages and heights jumping off the boat. I stared in awe and what was happening. The king really had no clue how to run his kingdom did he. The man started to walk away.

"You don't think Jim was on that boat do you" his wife asked.

"I don't know sweetheart I don't know" he spoke in a low monotone voice.She started to weep at the sound of her husbands voice.

I turned my face away from the couple and back to the ship. I couldn't image the pain that couple was going through after all I had my two sisters still living with me and my mother. I started to walk away from the scene. I started home to where the hat shop was, hoping I would see Lettie or Margret.

Hm I wonder where those two girls are I thought.

I continued down the cobblestone path, hearing my heels click down the path. Humming along to a tune that I had just made up in my head hoping no one while notice. I found my way back to the hat shop seeing that Lettie was standing outside with her bags packed waiting for a car or something.

"Lettie what's going on" I asked.

"Mother said that she found me a job at the bakery in town I'm leaving" she spoke in a soft tone.

"But" I said tears threating to spill from my eyes.

"Margret left a little bit ago to the west side of town she's taking an apprentice ship with a witch mother has befriended" she continued.

I felt a tear trickle down my face. I took a step back and started to run. Tears falling down my face, blurring my vision.

"What's a pretty girl like you do crying around here" a officer said to me.

I didn't speak.

"She is kinda cute" another one said.

"Please if you would excuse me" I said.

"No way" they started to block my path.

I started to back up.

"There you are darling and was starting to worry" a deep sweet voice said from behind me.

He put his arm around me.

"I thought you two were just leaving" he flicked his fingers and they started moving.

"Now just hold on to me and I'll get you out of here safely" he said.

I put my hand around his arm and we started walking. Black blobs started to appear through the walls of the corridor we were in.

"Shoot they found us" he whispered under his breathe.

He started to walk faster and soon was on a very fast pace.

"Ok hold on" he said.

He jumped up and brought me with him. We hit the roof of a building and stated walking on the air.

"Now just stretch your legs out and start walking" he said.

We started to walk on the thin air. I smiled a little, it was so exciting.

"That's my beautiful girl" he lifted my chin up to his face.

He was so close to me. I could feel his breathe on me, it was warm and felt nice. We landed on a balcony. He twirled me on the railing, he stepped down on the balcony and grabbed me by my waist.

"Hehe" I laughed.

"Now what is your name beauty" he asked.

"My name, oh its Y/N" I answered.

"What a lovely name" he said.

He kissed my check and stepped back onto the railing.

"Now wait her for a little then head back home I hope to see you again Y/N" he said then fell off the balcony and was gone.

"But I didn't" was all I could say.

I waited a little while later then started back home.

I hope to see you again to mystery man I thought on my way home.



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