Chapter 14 - To Connect

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Two days later

I really want to do something that's fun for my fans, another way for me to connect with them. I just don't know what I would do just yet. My fans have really gotten me so far and I would love to repay them.
Anyways today we are having a little cast party, to just hang out, and have a great time. The theme of the party is slumber party since it's going to be all night and all we will do is watch movies in Sabrina's basement. So I decide to put on my penguin onesie because why not and I go to Sabrina's house.

*Skip boring drive because I'm too lazy to write a car scene*

I knock on Sabrina's door and it took a few minutes but soon Sabrina opens the door. I find her wearing her favorite cotton shorts and a big oversized tv shirt.

"Hey, there is so much that I need to tell you." She says while she drags me to her room.

Sabrina's POV

"Hey, where are the boys at?" Rowan asks me confused.

"They are running late and they say that they will be here in maybe twenty minutes which gives me enough time to tell you what happened yesterday." I replied.

*flashback to yesterday*

I woke and was about to check my social media until I got a text.

(This is the part where I couldn't finish, like seriously Rikki!)

Hey Sab can we talk? - Peyton

Sure when? -Sabrina

How about now? - Peyton

I look out the window and I see Peyton out in my lawn which totally wasn't creepy at all.

Sure okay - Sabrina

     I let him to my house and as soon as I open the door he comes rushing through and sits down on the couch.

"Have you check the internet yet?" He asks me nervously.

"Um no... Why?"

"Listen I wanted tell you first before anyone else say something to you or-"

"Just tell me what is it?" I ask interrupting him.

"Remember that night we, you know?" He says blushing.

"How could I not" I say looking down and blushing in return.

"Well some paparazzi guy was outside my house and he took a video of us since to curtains were pulled up."

"Oh god. What are we going to do! We are going to get fired and we will be kicked off of the show or it will get cancelled!" I panicked.

I panicked.

     I get up and start pacing back and forth rambling about what could happen. Until Peyton's hands grab my shoulders and pulls me into a kiss. It wasn't fast and hard, it was slow and passionate.

"Look we will find a way through this, we will tell them that it was someone else and that's not us" he say.

"They won't believe us, the "people" in the video look a lot like us, because that's us!" I yell.

"We lie, we come up with the greatest lie." He says with somewhat danger lingering from his mouth.

*present day*

"So what's the lie." Rowan asks.

( A/N Hey guys so Ive been rewatching PLL and been watching with my best friend and I just realized that this story line is going to be very Ezria since I've drowned myself in PLL (rip me). Anyways sorry for the wait I hope you enjoy!)

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