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This may not seem like a very big issue to a lot of people, but social media has become FLOODED with LGBTQ advocates and haters battling it out. I have opinions on all parts, so I figured it couldn't hurt to write them. My opinion on lesbians and gays- I don't really care what you do. I wouldn't be gay, but it's completely your choice.Regarding bisexual and transgender, my opinion is more complex. I do not understand bisexual, but you do you. I don't see any way that you are both genders at the same time. For transgender, I don't think its a good thing to do, but I can't/won't stop you. Also, if you are some other gender, I still don't care. Just don't believe you are entitled to respect, you need to earn it like everyone else. I won't refer to you as anything other than he/she in real life unless you give me a good reason to respect you. That's just my opinion, so no hate please.

'Merica Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora