About America

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We really aren't as bad as some people think. I'll admit that we are pretty loud, but our customs seem normal to us. A lot of people that live here are actually really nice people. We aren't that different than other countries. We also don't run around yelling about freedom 24/7. To Britain and Australia and anywhere else that speaks some English, the way we spell color instead of colour and things like that may seem weird to you, but colour seems just as weird to us. Why do you need that u? It doesn't have anything to do with the phonetics of the word. I just feel like I had to say all of that. I've seen a lot on social media bashing America, and I feel like I should defend it. I think I'm going to turn this into my list of (sometimes unpopular) opinions, but I'm still going to leave the title as clickbait I guess lol.

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