6- Getting Stronger

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"Eh... Er... Th-thanks."
Feeling sappy, I suddenly felt flustered. "S-sorry, I was trying to be nice..."
"It's fine, I liked it." With an unusual smile plastered on his face, I felt caught up in the moment. "(F/N)..."
"Yes?" The way his voice became deeper, made my heart beat faster.
"Can I kiss you?" He practically whispered it, making the room 10x more silent when he finished.
All I heard was the sound of my thumping heart, and the heating sensation of my cheeks. "Yes." Letting out a raspy and dry response. He leaned closer to me, his lips colliding into my. A millenial of sparks flying as I felt the texture of two day old stubble and surprisingly plush lips that made up for the roughness. Seconds, possibly minutes passed and he leaned away releasing a short chuckle as he searched my expression.
"What an adorable expression." His bluntness seemed displaced, causing me to cover my face. "C-can I kiss you more..." Two large hands placed on my shoulders, a very intent tone added to himself.
"King!" A familiar and one tracked voice rang, King straightening and releasing his grip. My only thought was that he didn't see the recent events lingering in the air. "Sorry to intrude, but your door was open and also I brought the Pocky you requested."
"Th-thank you..." King turning to the monotone and bland blonde-head, I realized I was out of view due to his very broad shoulders.
Peeking from behind King, the cyborg turned his attention to me. "Oh girl, you've awakened."
"That's not my name, and yes I have." Correcting him, he appeared to ignore me.
"Where is Saitama-sensei?" The subject of Saitama seemed to lighten the blonde-head.
"I sent him to get some ramen for the video games and pocky." King explained, the cyborg became concerned.
"You should have asked me, I hope this is not a big inconvenience to Saitama-sensei." He suddenly stared through us, zoning into some unfathomable place.
"Well..." Feeling the silence growing, I felt an urge to step away from the atmosphere. "I'm going to go to the ramen shop." Both boys just stood staring, not knowing what to say. I gave the first action, hopefully they'd know what to do afterwards.

Rushing to the door I realized I had no clue where I was headed. "Hey, Master Bang's disciple." The familiar voice of the cyborg emitted from behind me.
"I'm not his disciple, blondey." Giving a sassy remark, he clearly sensed it.
"I'll come with." He demanded rather than asked.
Sensing the reluctance in his eyes I sighed and complied. "Fine, but please keep up."
"I think you should be the one keeping up." Pushing past me he opened the door.
When we reached the entrance of the apartment I scratched my head, all the streets were unrecognizable. "You know where we are?"
As he calculated something over his eyes, I waited until he spoke. "Make a left." Chuckling at his navigator voice.
Walking left he followed next to me, his pace quickened and I was suddenly speed walking to keep up. "Make a right in 0.2 kilometres." Slowly ahead of him I turned, he now quickened and was at a light jog.
In minutes we were at a full on sprint, when I past him he would give an extra boost and I would have to quicken again. "Don't get too cocky, blondey." I chuckled and suddenly zoomed down the street, the cyborg miles behind me. Pummelling into someone, both of us went flying into the nearest building. Quickly peeling myself off of them, I observed their face and realized it was the ponytail guy, Atomic Samurai. He had the most pissed off face I'd ever seen before, and I've seen baldy miss a sale at our store.
"Back away from sensei!" A blonde male said, extending his arm and pushing me on the sidewalk on my butt.
"S-sorry." I said, the Atomic Samurai not giving me a second glance as he walked away. His disciple following him and polishing his master with compliments. As the cyborg caught up, he looked down at me somehow in front of me.
"You should watch where you're going." He gave a slight smirk and outstretched his hand. The sun blaring behind him transformed his figure into a silhouette. My eyes widening as the dream rushed back, I was right it wasn't Garou in the dream. It was this cyborg, although his body was smaller and more fragile. I shouldn't call it a dream, rather a memory.
Sitting wide eyed and mouth gaped he snapped me from my thoughts. "Come on let's get to Saitama-sensei." My whole body was shaking as I refused his help, his face became for stoney and we continued to them. "You must be shaken from the collision." Walking next to me, he was analyzing me.
"R-right..." I said looking away, if I'd known him before then he had to be from when the accident happened. I was too nervous he'd realize who I was, I'd have to stay away from him. For some reason I didn't feel ready to talk about that day.
Reaching the ramen place, both of us were relieved to find them there. "Sensei!" Genos said, his face brightening again.
"Mumen! They let you out?!" Rushing to him I hugged him tightly, both Saitama and Genos observed us.
"You know, Mumen?" Saitama became curious.
"Yeah, I was hoping he would be here he loves this place. When I heard from King that Saitama was at a Ramen shop I was hoping I would catch Mumen here."
"Oh yeah, he took you to his house because you knocked out in the conference room when everyone was fighting outside." Saitama explained, my face flushing with embarrassment.
"(F/N), you know Saitama the caped baldy and Genos the Demon Cyborg and King, the world's strongest man?" Mumen's eyes widened, I was more focused on his bandages coming undone on his face.
"Yeah, I met them all coincidentally." Speaking softly as I fixed his bandages.
"Oh (F/N), Saitama is the one that saved me from the Sea King." Mumen smiled, a glint of appreciation in his eyes. Another thing I envied, when I was saved by others I felt in debt and too weak to fend for myself. It was one thing I wouldn't allow anyone to do for me, I was fine on my own.
"Th-thank you." Bowing slightly towards Saitama, his expression looked uncomfortable.
"It-it's really nothing." He mumbled, Genos staring intently at me as I avoided eye contact.
"Saitama, we should invite them to dinner sometime." Genos advised still staring at me. Saitama agreed, only agreeing because Genos was cooking.
"N-no it's okay!" Timidly trying to avoid the situation.
"What? Why not, it'll be fun." Mumen encouraged me, but he was clearly oblivious of my elbow check to his side.
"I-I'm not feeling too well. P-plus I left my bag at King's!" My nerves wouldn't calm as I lied to them.
"We can just get your bag on the way while we invite King,plus you seemed fine running here. " Genos had a sense of intent behind his words.
"We can just change it to another day." Genos was starting to freak me out, his glare made me uncomfortable.
"Alright then! I'll give you my number." Mumen said, exchanging numbers as I stood stiff. Of course I wanted to get close so I could fight Saitama, but with Genos there it didn't seem possible. He was like a guard dog, and I also couldn't face him if he were to recognize me. Feeling a headache I looked down and placed a hand on my forehead. "Here's hers."
"What're you—" the headache pulsating I stopped myself and made sure they didn't realize I was in pain. "I think I'm going to head home first."
"Eh?" Mumen turned to me. "We just ordered, we can get you food too!"
"That's alright, I'm not feeling too well." Trying to compose myself I neared an exit.
"You sure you don't want to stay? It's getting late it won't be too good if you got lost or in trouble." Mumen had a deep tone of concern.
Turning to them, I put on the brightest smile I could. "You know I'll be alright, I'll meet you at home." All of them looked surprised as I smiled, besides Saitama who was digging into his food.
Jogging usually helped when I got these migraines. They happened around times most women got periods, except instead of periods I got headaches. It usually signalized that my power was going to get stronger, it worried me not knowing when my strength would stop. But knowing that this was happening, when the migraines ended I'd probably be much stronger than Saitama.
My back ached, head whirring, bad taste in my mouth. Forcing my eyes open, the sun stung my eyes which made me groan. Rubbing my eyes I sat up in pain, trying to adjust my sight.
When I could focus, I noticed the muddy ground and realized I was covered in it. "Did it rain?" Murmuring to myself I tried to recollect last night.
"Oi pipsqueak." The voice was groggy and strained. "Get out of my territory."
"Sorry—" realizing the face was that of a monsters I rushed to a fighting stance.
"You woke me from my slumber..." Its multiple eyes searched in different directions. "What year is it?"
"2017?" Guessing, he looked displeased and observed my structure.
"You trying to fight?" Chortling he mocked my size and cracked his knuckles. "You wouldn't last a second, might as well since I haven't fought in so long. My insatiable blood lust is hungering." Puffing out its muscles, veins popped from every corner. With a shit-eating grin it appeared he expected me to be scared.
"No I'm okay, I'm in pain right now." Turning away and releasing my stance he became furious.
"Scared, huh? Don't worry it'll be quick." With another chortle he neared and whacked my shoulder.
Covering my mouth at the sudden stench, my eyes poured. "You smell like shit!" Trying to hold back my gags I released my fist into its lower abdomen. My eyes widened as I did more than destroy him, but actually destroyed an entire mountain behind him. "Holy fuck!" Bursting into laughter as miniscule bits came raining down, I jumped in a circle before the pain set in again.
"Yo!" A voice from behind me echoed. Turning around I observed a short black haired guy with sickly pale skin and red eyes. His expression was serious, reminding me of the ponytail guy. "Word is there's a beast around here, you should get outta here quick."
Stopping my excitement, I gave a sigh of relief that he didn't see what happened. "R-right!" Walking up the landslide he stared me up and down.
"What happened to you?" As I hesitated he spoke again. "Forget I asked, just get outta here." Humming in compliance I jogged off to Mumen's house, thank goodness it was the weekend or I'd be late for work. Passing King's house, I decided I might as well get my hero costume before he noticed it.
Stepping to the entrance door, I paused, remembering my last experience with him. My heart began racing and I felt nervous, the hesitation of pushing the ringer made the minutes seem longer.
Finally giving myself the courage to push the buzzer, he responded a minute later. I imagined he was pushing pause on his romance game and stepping past a minefield of snacks to answer. Letting him know who it was, he didn't hesitate to let me in.
Taking an elevator, an older women and mid-30's man stood on either side of me. The old lady was exceedingly close to the entrance, stepping off it was only me and the businessman. The silence was dawning, although I kept trying to pick off crusted mud while he distanced himself. "Rough night?" He chuckled to himself.
"You can say that again." Turning to him, he smiled proud at his remark as we both stepped off. Splitting ways, I gave one last glance to him as the distance lengthened.
Reaching his front door he swung it open with a large smile, it was unexpected and kind of adorable. Remembering my task, I continued to tell myself the plan. Stifling a smile, I shuffled past him as he observed my actions. "What'd you come here for?"
Before he could say anything else, I stated, "I left my bag here, I just wanted to grab it before going home."
"You want to take a shower?" Staring at him with a blank expression he continued. "B-because you're covered in mud... Is there a reason for that?"
"Oh right..." Remembering my plan I committed to it. "I have to get home, Mumen must be worried."
"Why would he be worried?" He furrowed his eyebrows.
Forgetting to fit pieces together before speaking, I collected myself. "I hadn't come home last night." Before he could ask anymore, I continued. "Anyways, have you seen the bag? It's navy blue and has black straps." Using my hand for size, he recollected the image.
"Oh yeah! I put it on the counter." Raising his pointer finger I walked to it, my nerves on edge since I guessed he searched the bag; I just hoped he didn't bring it up. "Is...that all?"
Not making eye contact, I already guessed he was hoping for more. "Nope." Trying to sound calm, he seemed a tad disappointed. It would've nice to stay here, but he's most likely seen the costume, he probably wants to kiss again when I'm not sure if I want that, I also didn't know when my headaches would start again and Mumen probably wanted me home. He didn't ask much as I walked towards the entrance. "Sorry for trailing mud..."
"That's fine! As-as long as it's you, I don't mind." I could feel him beaming behind me. A soft chuckle escaping at his corny line.
"King..." Holding the doorknob, He stopped in his tracks.
"Y-yes?" His heartbeat quickened.
"What time is it?" Scratching the dirt on my head he hesitated.
"Er.. 12 in the afternoon?" He stated before I departed and bursted down the stairs, too much in a rush to take the elevator I ran down the stairs.
Pausing at the front doors, I decided it was best to check my phone, probably would've been better to check earlier...
The amount of missed calls I had appalled me, it was hard to fathom that someone was so concerned about me. Taking a couple minutes to compose myself, I finally called the person most concerned about me... Mumen.
"H-hello?" Mumen's voice sounded anxious and rushed.
"Hey..." Extending the "y" as if I was in pain. I winced as he spoke again, believing he'd be yelling at me I was surprised even though I shouldn't. Mumen was calm, collected, determined, open minded, and generous; no way in hell would he actually be yelling. But still, some part of me expected it.
"(F/N)?!" I could sense him hold his breath over the phone.
"Yeah, itsame!" Making a mario joke to loosen the tension, he sighed with relief.
"Oh thank goodness! Are you okay? Where are you?" The questions flooded the phone conversation.
"Yeah I'm fine, I'm on my way home actually, are you there?" Strutting down the street towards a familiar area, I awaited his reply.
"No actually, I'm shopping with Saitama and Genos; I saw some seafood in the fridge I thought I'd boil." Mumen said, his breath emitting through the phone.
"Heyo!" The familiar baldy yelled through the phone.
"Did you want to join us?" The background came through the phone as he paused for my response.
"Oh uh, no that's okay. I need to shower I'm covered in dirt... " staring down at the stiffening cloth, I sighed and continued to pick at it.
"Why are you covered in dirt? Are you sure you're alright?"
Biting my lip, I held back the urge to tell him of my powers. "Yeah I'm fine, It's nothing too serious just muddy clothes because I slipped in mud when it was raining." This was a terrible lie that felt like it'd snowball downhill. Before he could ask more I tried to end the conversation. "Anyways, when do you think you'll be home?"
"Oh— er... A couple hours? We're pretty far out of town." The background noise getting louder it was getting harder to hear him and I used it to my advantage.
"What? Can you repeat that?" Asking a couple more times as he repeated himself. "I can hardly hear you, I'll meet you at the house."
"Actually I planned on stay—" the noise actually making him inaudible.
"Okay byeeee..." Hanging up I heard a muffled goodbye.
After a good long shower I realized I was in there for quite a while, almost an hour to be exact. Fixing up my hair as usual I called Mumen again when realizing it was late afternoon. "Hey, Mumen you still out?"
Urgh sorry for not publishing so much lately (^^;) I'm trying to work on it, how about uploading every Weekend?

OPM-Boku No Hero Academia- Crossover x Fem!ReaderOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara