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All I ever really was, was background noise. I doubt I was even a main character in my own life. When destruction comes around, I'm on the floor crying for help watching others save me. I also seem to have bad luck; both my parents died from a mad cyborg, which is what everyone tells me. My memory from that day is so bad, maybe it's the trauma or maybe it was because I was 10. I lived with my aunt and uncle, we lacked a relationship and lived our lives separately. I could probably leave for a month without them noticing, and coming back like nothing happened. My best friend, Izuku and I sneak out; he's more nervous to leave but whenever I bring up heroes he has no problem coming. Izuku has an obsession with becoming a hero, he has loads of notes on them, but he doesn't even have powers. He doesn't give up and I sometimes envy his determination; the thing I lack most. I don't tell him I have a power and go along with him, it makes him feel less lonely and the only thing I'm good at is uplifting others.
"Deku, you nerd!" words I overheard outside the world of my book. Sighing, I got up and peered outside the class.
"I'm not tr-trying to compete with you, I promise!" Izuku squealed.
"What's wrong?" striding over, Kacchan's friend's stepped further from me.
"We're not talking to you, (Y/N), get lost." Kacchan growled, his eyes staring bullets.
"I'm not talking to you, idiot." My eyes shifting to Izuku who was on the ground.
"N-n-nothing!" He stuttered, sweat rolling down his forehead. His nervousness confused me, he would usually confess his issues to me and I'd be like the savior.
"Idiot got accepted to the Hero Academy!" One of Kacchan's friend's said, trying to copy Kacchan's tone.
"Get out of here, don't be mad because you guys didn't make it. Go somewhere and cry about it." I stood in front of Izuku.
"This isn't about you, stop acting like his savior, you're no one." Kacchan hollered, no one appeared to come over to the attention.
"Kacchan, we can fight this out later. Leave." I gave him a serious expression, and that's when he knew not to test it anymore. He left mumbling, his group of friend's following like ducklings.
I turned to Izuku, who was avoiding eye contact as he sat there. "I-I-I was going to tell you... I promise, I just-"
"It's okay! I understand why you thought you shouldn't, I'm happy for you, honest." I gave him a salute and he stood up smiling with the guilt lifting.
"So, what high school are you going to?" Wiping his tears as we were near same height.
"Hm... I think the academy with that weird unicorn on it." I joked.
"You mean Mustang?" He chuckled. "Good, even though you act like it, you're really smart. I know you pretend not to."
"Thanks... Well, I'll see you at graduation?" I stifled a smile and walked away, he whispered a goodbye.
Graduation passed, me and Izuku departed that day. He was the only person that I talked to at the school, and the only person that was keeping me bound to that town. I pulled through a couple years of that crappy Mustang Academy then left. I had a job and saved up all my money, which was an extremely large amount. I packed up my clothes and planned to go to somewhere quiet. Besides leaving, I didn't really have a plan how to live out my life.
I sat on a train, it was heading through a large bustling city. I stared out the window; nothing in particular that was good about this place, similar buildings and traffic. The train suddenly halted, jerking bodies around while lights flickered. Conversations of fear were rising, the tension was thickening. Outside the windows, a large figure looming over buildings, large hands rested on the roofs of buildings as it surveyed the area.
"Warning danger level: Tiger. Citizens, please evacuate the area as soon as possible." The speaker repeating itself continuously. People began running off the halted train, I followed too, less panicked than everyone. The yellow-eyed beast turned to us, a large grin appearing through its lipless mouth.
"I haven't used my powers in a while, this should be fun." I joked, standing in place as everyone forced their way around me. With those words, I neared the beast, a stare down between a miniscule human and 45 ft beast. Someone suddenly slammed the side of the beast with a blast and I fell backwards.
"Ah, It's Genos!" People began screaming in victory. I repeated the name before realizing I left my stuff on the train. Running back onto the train, I grabbed my backpack from under my seat. Standing up I saw the beast falling towards me, as the train tumbled I made eye contact with the famous "Genos". The seconds seem to last forever as glass and metal parts slammed into me.
As the train smoked up, I decided to leave before it exploded. My legs were clamped to the side of the train, my upper body hanging out the train. Irritated, I clawed my way up and kicked the beast on the top of its mushy head. My legs were still regenerating so they felt weak, I practically used all my stamina to kick it. I stood for a minute in a hunched over position, then proceeded to pull my backpack out of the train. It had a tear, I began cursing the wind before I heard a ruffling sound. Peering over the train, I saw the "Genos" standing atop the beast analyzing it. We made eye contact before I ran off. "H-hey, wait!" He yelled as I ran into the nearest alley. I collapsed on the floor, napping until I was fully regenerated.
I was now stuck in this unknown city, I couldn't go to the police or hospital due to the fact that I ran away. I also couldn't leave, I needed to spend my money wisely and all trains leading in the direction I was going were shut down. I found a small run-down shop to work at, sleeping in dark places so cops wouldn't find me and cleaning my clothes in a laundromat for about a month. I then began looking for an apartment, which would be hard with my conditions.
"Excuse, do you know the quietest places to live in this city?" I approached a couple, they both thought until one spoke.
"Well, there's City Z." The guy laughed along with his boyfriend.
"Where's that?" I asked in a serious tone, both of them looking at me surpised.
"I-It's a couple blocks down that way," one of them pointed with his fingers. "But it's shut down, you aren't seriously thinking of living there are you?"
"Just on a tour." I lied. "Are there any maps around here?"
One of the guys handed me a map of their own. "Here, take this. Have fun on your tour." The softer voiced one smile and pulled his boyfriend along as the other looked back at me in concern.
Walking to City Z with my taped up bag and run down shoes, I noticed gates and wires blocking my way. I frowned but climbed over the fence, cutting myself a couple times. "This place is lovely." I observed the crumbling buildings and felt the eerie silence.The sudden presence of someone appeared. I turned, noticing nothing I continued.
Air pressure behind me was created, I tilted my head as a fist appeared at the side of my face. As the person moved passed me, we made eye contact, their eyes wide. Standing in front of me, they pulled out two ninjatos and held them to my neck. "State your business."
"Just trying to find a place to live." I sighed.
"Hero or villain." They narrowed their eyes, two distinct purple marks under them.
"Uh... Neither?" I shrugged, raising an eyebrow.
"Then how did you dodge my attack?" Their tone was serious.
"You weren't fast enough?" I stated, irritating them.
"Do you know, Saitama?" strands of black hair moved to their eyes.
I moved the hairs away. "Who?"
They sighed and began walking away. "No one."
"H-hey wait, do you live around here?" I jogged up to them.
"That's none of your business." Their blades going away.
Trying to stay at their pace as my bag hit my leg. "Geez sassy." When they ignored me I continued. "I'm trying to find a place to live."
"I already know this." They sped away, my legs felt numb but I wasn't going to lose them.
Catching up to them, their expression was priceless. "What's your name?"
"Speed-o'-Sound Sonic!" They spoke proudly.
"Sounds like a cereal... Can I just call you Sonic? Like the hedgehog?" Giggling at my own jokes, he hopped onto a building.
Following them, he grumbled. "Stop following me!"
"I'm (L/N) (F/N)" I smiled, they narrowed their eyes in annoyance.
"I don't care." He sped away onto another building and I followed, which then began a chase. "Go away!" He yelled.
"Do you know any places to stay?" I repeated.
"Yeah, in the trash where you belong." He frowned as we stood atop a Donut Shop. "Now leave me alone, I'm looking for someone."
"Hey, can I stay with you for a while?" I asked as Sonic walked to the edge of the building. "A month?" He turned his head and gave an expression of absurdity. "Three weeks?" He furrowed his eyebrows and stepped onto the ledge. "Okay,okay! Just a week please!"
He groaned and ruffled his own hair. "Fine! Just leave me alone! Meet me here at 11:30 pm."
At 11:30, Sonic was not in sight and I sat there for three hours trying to feel better about my obliviousness. I hopped off the building, its lights were off and I frowned lugging my bag with me. I found a noodle shop and used some of my money to buy a bowl. It was only me and a guy with bandages and glasses. The amount of bandages concerned me and I couldn't stop looking, he looked over and I turned away.
"I fought a monster." He explained, I hummed and it became silent.
"Did you win?" I asked later and he was near finishing his bowl.
"N-no... But I was close!" He smiled with determination. Envying his determination, reminding me of Izuku, I frowned. "Are you okay?"
I snapped out of it. "Y-yeah!" Smiling and continuing to eat my noodles.
"What're you doing out here so late?" He questioned, making me nervous.
"J-just came for noodles." I consumed a mouthful as he continued to eat.
"You new around here?" He asked handing the chef his bowl.
"Yeah, this city is really big." I turned to look at the street.
Fixing his hair and pushing up his glasses he asked, "need any assistance? I know this city pretty well."
"Mm, yeah. Do you know where City Z is?" I handed the chef my bowl also, both the chef and the guy suspicious.
"I didn't know anyone lived there, didn't they close that off?" He leaned on the counter.
"Didn't know either. Actually I think I'm good going on my own, I just remembered a path." I stood up and grabbed my bag, heading towards an alley and disappearing into it. I turned another corner and a group of guys stood smoking, slowly exiting they followed and I felt irritated.
"Wait a minute." They sped up and I was planning on just knocking them out.
"Come on, honey." The guy from before wrapped his arm around mine and lead me out of there. "I told you that wasn't the way." He chuckled.
When the guys dispersed, we stood near the noodle shop. "Thanks."
"No problem." He smiled at me, close to my height.
"I should get going..." As I shifted, I noticed I was still grasped onto him.
"U-uh sorry!" Both of us letting go at similar times. As I slowly walked away he hesitated. "Uh, would you like some tea? I make some pretty good tea at home..."
"S-sure..." I said as he released his grip of my wrist. He rode us on his bike, not much conversation went on as he peddled. He wa surprisingly fast with both of us on the bike.
He made two cups of tea, his apartment was actually quite warming and organized. He came over to me and handed me a cup. We both sat blowing on them at a small rounded table in his kitchen. "O-oh! I never introduced myself," He stood up and bowed towards me. "I'm Mumen Rider."
"I like it, sounds like a hero name." I smiled. "I'm (L/N) (F/N)"
"It is actually, and nice to meet you (L/N)" He spoke as he placed his helmet and pads away on a shelf.
"You can just call me (F/N)" Smiling as he blushed and repeated it.
"So you say you're not from around here... Where are you from?" He asked to strike up a conversation.
"Musutafu, Japan." I said beneath my cup.
"Ah, that's where that Hero Academy is, right?" He tapped his lip.
"Yeah." I giggled.
"So why'd you come from there?" He questioned.
"Mm, well my mother and father died. So I grew up with my aunt and uncle. My only friend was a boy named Izuku, but he went to the hero academy so I decided I had no other reason to stay." I sipped my tea as Mumen took it all in.
"I-I'm sorry..." He spoke softly. "Does your aunt and uncle know?"
"N-no. But they wouldn't really care so it's alright." I shook my hands.
"I'm sure they do care!" He tried encouraging me.
"I once got in a car accident and I had Izuku call them and they told him they didn't have time because they were going on a vacation. It probably doesn't seem that bad, but some of the stuff they said was pretty bad." Mumen looked concerned.
"How old are you?" He asked fixing his glasses.
"17, almost 18. So it doesn't really matter anymore and I can be on my own soon anyways." Smiling as he still looked concerned, I looked away.
"I know the law says you have to wait, but as a hero I think what you're doing is fine. You can stay here a little bit, if you want." He placed his cup down.
"Oh that would be great! I can pay rent if you want, and I can clean and cook and buy groceries." Excited as I planned it out in my head.
"That seems like a lot, are you sure?" He raised his eyebrows.
"I don't mind! Since you're a hero you're probably busy all the time, so I'll just clean and do the things you probably don't usually have time for." Excited for this adventure I chugged the hot tea and he had a surprised expression.
"If you're okay with that then that's fine." He gave this interesting gentle smile, it seemed like some sort of signature of his. He toured me through his apartment, it was small and simple, he had little knick knacks and special possessions on shelves. He was organized and it made the house comfortable, a majority of the rooms were small but the organization made it appear more spaced than it was. "You can sleep on the couch, or my bed and I can sleep in the living room?"
"I don't mind the couch, I don't want to intrude." I fiddled with my fingers nervously.
"You're not, but you can sleep on the couch if you'd like." Grabbing some blankets and creating a makeshift bed on the floor.
"Thank you," I said in a soft voice as I helped him finish making the bed. "I really appreciate you letting me stay here..."
He analyzed my expression through his rounded glasses. He scratched his bandage and smiled pridefully," It's really nothing, I'm just happy I could help," a sudden blush creeping on his face before he snapped out of it. "Also, do you want to shower? I noticed your bag do you have a clean change of clothes?"
"Ah, I think they're all dirty." I smiled feeling embarrassed.
"I can give you a change of clothes for tonight, and tomorrow we can go shopping." He stood waiting for my response.
"Oh yeah sure that sounds fine." I smiled, he led me to his room and we picked out an outfit. Which was a (f/c) casual o-neck shirt and his plaid boxers. 
"Er, I hope this is okay?" He said as he handed me a towel. "I also don't have any more feminine body wash... But this one smells like (f/s)?"
"Oh, perfect! Thank you, I'll use this sparingly." I said as he departed and I stepped into the shower, letting the dirt roll off my body.
When I came out, I noticed Mumen reading a book on the couch. "Oh hey, I just wanted to say goodnight..." He gave a timid look, "Someone told me it's never good to depart without a proper farewell; or in this case, goodnight."
Smiling as I patted my wet hair with my towel, "Goodnight, Mumen."
"Goodnight, (f/n), rest well. If you need anything let me know." He smiled, placing his book in a neat fashion on his shelf and departing soon after.
Tucking myself into the blankets, I laid down and rolled onto my back and watching the ceiling above me. The contemplation if what I was doing was right, kept me up a majority of the night.

OPM-Boku No Hero Academia- Crossover x Fem!ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant