2-Settling In

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The sound of the kitchen lit up, causing my eyes to open. I sat up and observed as Mumen swiveled has way around the kitchen. Walking over to him, he seemed to be concentrating on something. I watched him as he was creating food for the morning. When he finished he placed them on the table and proceeded to pour steaming coffee into a cup.
"Would you like coffee or something else?" His brown hair glistened as sunlight beamed through his window.
"(F/D), please." Smiling as he handed a cup full.
"いただきます(Itadakimasu)" We said in unison, clasping our hands and bowing slightly.
After eating a good meal, I tossed on my last clean outfit. He guided me to place my laundry in his washer and I noticed his outfit. "Is that your hero uniform?" I asked as he looked down.
"Yeah," he chuckled and grabbed his helmet. "Hey I won't be able to take you to get some clothes. I have some hero business to do," he hummed for a moment as I nodded in a disappointed fashion. "I'll finish around 6:30 pm, if that's okay? Unless you wanted to hurry and go alone?"
"Hm, I know you'll probably be tired doing whatever you need to so... I think I'll go alone. "
"You sure?" He had a look of guilt and regret.
Feeling final with my answer, I responded. "Yeah, I'm going to look for a new job around here." A memory of the boss yelling I'm fired popped in my head. "So I'll have a lot of time if I go now."
"Alright, well here's some money..." he shuffled through a small leather wallet with a keychain of a strange bald man. "Is this enough?"
Taking the money in my fingers I observed it. "I think this is more than enough, I'll definitely bring home change."
"I'm counting on it," he winked jokingly." Okay so I'll bring you into town and do you think you can find your way home?"
"Yeah, just in case what is your address?" I asked.
As I ventured through town, I continued to replay his address in my head. Remembering our small conversation on the walk here of what would be for dinner. It was my first day living with Mumen and I already felt as if we had a schedule for things.
The town was bustling, making me question what day it was. I haven't kept track of the days in a while, probably since I came to this city. "Excuse me." Speaking firmly to a bald man ahead of me, his bald head reminded me of the keychain.
He turned, a very plain and bored expression on his face. "Eh?"
"Do you know what day it is?" He shrugged.
"Geno— oh right he's not here... I'm not sure, someone I know usually tells me." He apologized as I reassured him it was okay.
Continuing my journey I asked multiple people the date, finally getting my answer from an old merchant lady selling cheap bracelets. "It's Wednesday dear..." I thanked her, she spoke quickly afterwards. "Would you like to buy any bracelets?"
I hummed for a moment, deciding I'd buy one for Mumen to thank him and using my money rather than his. I found one that matched his costume, green twined string with a tiny smiling red cat holding a paw to its head. I rolled it in my index and thumb finger before the lady interrupted my thoughts. Her wrinkled monolid eyes met my (e/c) eyes," it's a luck charm, Maneki Neko."
"So kind of like a protector?" I asked hovering over the bracelet, she hummed and I decided to buy it.
"Thank you! Have a nice day!" She smiled to me as I got back to my original track holding my bracelet tightly in excitement.
Walking into my final store, I noticed it was quiet so I respected the silence. As I ventured through the aisles I heard mumbles and the conversations grew louder, disturbing the silence.
Peeping through the racks I noticed a flash of blue hair, leaning in more to get a better view the sight vanished as a group of girls followed. The curiosity was killing me but the time wasting was more important and I continued finding summer clothes. A chilling presence behind me made me turn my head quickly, the same whispy blue hair next to me. At about 5'11, the lean and pale skinned figure looked at me with a smile. His golden eyes somehow glistened and I nervously turned away, something about him was off. The other girls fawning over him didn't seem to notice it but I did, slowly shuffling away with my clothes. He sensed something different about me and observed me walk away.
The determined and curious boy followed and eventually started a conversation. "Hey!" Smiling brightly I noticed the girls staring at me.
"Hey." I said quickly, wanting to fade away from the attention.
Scuttling away to another aisle he stood on the opposite side and continued the conversation. "You from around here?"
"Not really..." I spoke in a soft voice, feeling rude if I left again but nervous of the eyes on me.
"Where you from?" He leaned on the rack.
"J-just outside of town," feeling anxious he'd pry more I switched it around. "How about you?"
"Actually I-" he was interrupted by a fan.
"Handsomely masked sweet mask, can you sign my poster!" He squealed and held it out nervously, the guy smiling brightly.
"Handsomely Masked Sweet Mask?..." I repeated it, not realizing how loud it was.
"You don't know who I am?" He gave a dumbfounded expression.
I spoke in a frantic pattern. "U-uh, n-no-not re-really s-sorry!" He was staring at me or more likely through me, I quickly slipped away as the fans attacking him with demands. I bought my clothes and headed home, trying to remember my path.
The appearance of a large lobster appeared outside, it was massive like it was on steroids and its weird accent made me giggle. The blue-haired boy came out and his tone changed, the dark side I knew he was hiding was revealing itself. He mercilessly attacked, not giving the lobster time to speak to him as people evacuated. Spaced out I hadn't moved as I was across the street watching it, even the fans evacuating yet still fawning over him as they left.
The bracelet in my hand had somehow lost its grip and flew with the wind, I chased it and apparently at the wrong moment as the beast was coming my way. The blue-haired guy realized the situation and sped over, but I already planned my way out. I stepped one foot forward, realizing I didn't have enough time to turn around I ran towards the wall, stepping up and climbing rapidly and running around the beast as it crashed into the wall. Landing on my feet I held the bracelet relieved, turning and seeing the beast and blue-haired boy stopped in the middle of the street bewildered. "Oh sorry for getting in the wa—" the lobster slowly pulling itself up I grunted and stepped one foot forward, slamming the other behind and forcing my right arm forward and leaving a gaping hole through the beast as it lay lifeless. "That should take care of it. Anyways, got to go." Noticing people showing up I ran as they praised the blue-haired guy who still stood stunned as I disappeared.
I sighed in relief as I found Mumen's apartment, waiting in front as he appeared and smiled. He was walking towards me, the sun setting behind him as he held his helmet and bike. He gave a bright smile, even with the scars I could feel his determination. "I was hoping you'd be on your way."
"Yeah sorry, I got one more call for a lobster beast but Sweet Mask got it." He sighed and I helped him in.
"Need any help treating those wounds?" I scanned his beaten figure.
"No, they should be fine in a couple weeks." I nodded, both of us drinking tea as I cooked and he watching the news.
"Foods done!" I said with a cheeky smile and he sat with me at the table.
Both of us said our thank you's and conversed. "Did you have fun shopping?"
"Yes! They got a lot of interesting shops around here, here's your left over money also." I held it out and he declined.
"Just keep it for emergencies." He ate his white rice peacefully.
"Oh, I searched for some new jobs. I'll hear back from them soon, I have a phone but it's pretty beat up." Remembering something I stood up and came back with a bracelet. "I got this for you."
He glowered as I put it on him and explained its meaning, he continued to fiddle with it and blush. "Thank you very much, I'll treasure this." As I gave a gift he returned one. "Since you'll be living here a while I thought I'd get you a key."
He dangled it before my face and placed it in the palm of my hands. "Thank you too!" Feeling the texture of the keys, I questioned him. "Since you're a hero and all... Should I keep it a secret we live together?"
"Yeah, that might be good for both of us." He winked through his round glasses and finished his meal. "Also, here's my phone number."

OPM-Boku No Hero Academia- Crossover x Fem!ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora