Chapter Seven

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Sabrina looked over her shoulder for what seemed like the hundredth time that day and felt a stab of annoyance. It was at times like these that she missed her family the most. In the days when her parents were still alive, looking over her shoulder was not a survival reflex but a social one. She might look back in response to someone calling out her name, or she might have heard a noise that roused her curiosity. Now, whenever she looked over her shoulder, more often than not, it was as a means of detection. She'd grown into the habit through experience. Hidden pursuers were what she dreaded most because they usually got the job done more effectively.

Shuddering at the memory of a few close encounters, she walked on. Sabrina knew she was already several countries west of her own, but she also knew the man who was hunting her, and the man who had sent the hunter after her, would not let her escape so easily. Angered at the thought, she began to move faster. Over the years, she'd become skilled at making people point the finger at each other for her own misdeeds. She'd never taken pleasure in doing so, it was a necessary measure to cover up her tracks as much as possible. Caution and wile were her only friends—everything else had become a luxury.

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