Chapter 21 - True Lies

Start from the beginning

Zak wrapped his hand around Keane's neck, holding the man in place, and with his other hand he pinned his shoulders against the wall.

-"Tell me what the fuck you are doing here!" Zak growled, barely recognizing his own voice.

He had never felt such a burning anger inside of him, and that was saying something from someone who had demons possessed him before ... Maybe he had one now. Keane's lips curled into a cruel smile.

-"Same thing as you, traveling."

-"Cut the shit mother fucker! It's not a coincidence that you are here and the fucking plane almost crashed." Zak tightened his grasp on Keane's throat.

The flight attendant that Keane had talked too quickly sprang into action.

-"Stop! What are you doing?" She cried hysterically. "You're going to kill him!"

To his satisfaction, Keane seemed to be struggling to breath.

-"He tried to kill us! I'll be doing us a favor!" Zak growled.

Keane let out a half laugh, half gurgling sound.

-"Go ahead, kill me." He said hoarsely. "Then you'll have no one to protect Ana."

At the mention of Ana's name on Keane's lips, Zak pulled his hand back with Keane still clutched tightly in his grasp and he slammed him back into the wall with force, once, then a second time.

-"What the fuck are you talking about?" Zak snarled.

But Keane didn't answer his question; actually his skin tone had gone from its usual ghostly white to a faded blue, so Zak loosened his grip slightly.

-"Let him go!" The annoying flight attendant screamed again. "He saved us! The pilots were unconscious and he pulled the plane back up!"

Just then Zak felt someone grabbing his arms trying to pull him back.

-"Come on dude, let him go." Aaron said from behind him. "This isn't you; just take a step back man ..."

Shaking his head, Zak looked at Keane and dropped his hands from his throat like it was on fire. Keane sagged against the wall, coughing hard as a couple of people quickly came to check on him. Aaron and Nick both pulled Zak back, trying to reassure him that Ana would be alright and that he needed to calm down. Zak took a deep breath in, and tried to get his anger to melt away. This wasn't him ... he wasn't a violent person...

Realization of his actions must have been written all over his face because Keane let out a bark of laughter, which made an awful sickly sound. He stood up and wavered on his feet.

-"I saw it, in your eyes ... you wanted to kill me, and you would have enjoyed it. Those demons inside you will consume you." Keane laughed harshly. "But like it or not you need me."

Zak closed his eyes for a brief moment; he swallowed the lump in his throat and turned away from Keane.


Zak sat next to Ana as he held onto her hand. He waited for her to wake up.

The pilots had woken up and were rather confused as to what had happened. Neither the pilot or copilot had any idea why they had fallen unconscious but they had all praised Keane for his quick thinking and were all forever thankful for his assistance. The plane was going to land in England within the hour. They were going to be stopping at a different airport, but the pilot was anxious to get the plane on the ground, which was fine with Zak. He just wanted to get the fuck off this plane.

Everyone on the aircraft seemed to have formed some sort of bond. They all chatted and exchanged phone numbers with promises of keeping in touch. All of them except for Zak. Everyone was steering clear of him. No one dared to even make eye contact with him. Even Aaron and Billy were avoiding him. He couldn't blame them though. He had never felt such a burning anger to kill someone before. Even when he had been possessed a small part of him, inside, knew what was going on, and even though he couldn't fight it he knew what he was doing. This time he acted on impulse and without a care for anything, and that scared the living shit out of him. Keane seemed to bring out the worse in him.

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