Will They, Will They Not?

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I shouldn't have gone downstairs.

In a matter of moments, I was in cuffs and in the back seat of a police car, being arrested for being a paedophile – what the hell?

The car drove away from the mansion and I could only cry – unsure of what was going on. Tzuyu seemed to try to come after the car but her mother dragged her back in the house.

I shook the thoughts out of my head. There was no way such a thing could happen right? I'm probably just overthinking things right?

I sighed deeply and slipped my hand in Tzuyu's, drifting off to sleep as well. The flight was long and tiring.

We hired a taxi to go to Tzuyu's house from the airport. It wasn't very far from the airport, about fifteen minutes.

Tzuyu's parents weren't home when we got there; a note was left on the fridge suggesting something about them having work late. I felt somewhat relieved that I didn't have to deal with them yet. The nervousness in my stomach died down somewhat and I smiled at Tzuyu for the first time in the past two hours.

"Were you seriously that nervous?" She asked me, opening her arms for a hug.

"I'm still nervous, but just less than what I was initially." I replied, sinking into her embrace.

"They'll be coming home after a few hours so do you want to eat and get some rest? The plane ride was long already." Tzuyu offered.

I nodded eagerly and trailed behind Tzuyu as she moved around the kitchen, watching her in awe as she took things out of her fridge and set it out to begin cooking.

I don't even remember the last time she cooked! She came home later than me from work so I always had dinner ready by the time she was there. There were some rare occasions where she did cook and those were the best moments.

"What are you making?" I asked her, putting my chin on her shoulder and looking over at her chopping some onions.

"Hmm? I'm making Bulgogi. You told me you liked it once." She replied, smiling.

I could eat anything Tzuyu makes anyway; she was that good at cooking.

I ate quickly, gobbling down the delicious food and getting scolded by Tzuyu as well in the process.

"If you eat that quick, you'll get indigestion!" She scolded, pulling rice from the corner of my lips.

"Well, you make food so nicely so I just want to eat it quickly!" I responded, sticking out my tongue.

We went upstairs and changed, climbing into the bed quickly as we could feel the tiredness hit us. I snuggled into Tzuyu's embrace as she ran her fingers through my locks, making me fall asleep quicker than I realised.

I woke up without the Tzuyu's presence and heard some loud noises in the kitchen. I headed downstairs quietly to see what was going on.

"How could you bring such shame to the family Tzuyu? A girl? Really?" A tall figure scolded.

"It doesn't matter. I love her Dad. Please, accept us." She begged.

"What will the people say Tzuyu?" Her Dad asked.

"I don't care about anyone else Dad! She's all that matters to me. If you don't want to accept me then you might as well have no daughter at all!" She screamed, walking off.

When I woke up, Tzuyu was already awake and watching something on the mini screens in front of her. She looked so cute when she watched things intently and with concentration. Her eyebrows were furrowed while she was watching, indicating that she was confused. She turned her head towards me and the frown immediately dropped, replaced with a heart racing smile.

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