Tomorrow (11)

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Days passed and Lisa got busier with all the Student Council's preparation. It is part of their plan to have a school trip for all students for the first time. It is scheduled in just few months so they had to work extra hard for it to be successful.

After the council's meeting, Lisa saw Chanwoo from a distance.

She was so nervous because she didn't know how to approach him. When she got closer, she noticed that he was not alone. Chanwoo was talking with another girl. He looked so happy. Lisa was glad that she could see him laugh and be happy with another girl, but she was also feeling sad because if she's still his best friend, she'd probably be laughing hard at him for being so awkward with girls. Lisa probably thought about a dozen of funny scenario that wouldn't come true because of their situation. Lisa definitely missed talking to him, but in the end, she decided not to bother them and just leave them.

"Twinny!" The girl called out.


Lisa looked around and it was Hanna. She was the one that Chanwoo was talking to. Chanwoo wasn't that ecstatic to see Lisa.

"Twinny, this is Chan – "

"Chanwoo. Yeah. I know him." Lisa said to Hanna.

"Oh that's great! I have a lot of classes with him and Jisoo. He was just talking about his vacation at America. I've always wanted to have a mini concert there!" Hanna said with excitement from imagining the concert, but Lisa couldn't pay attention to what she was saying.

"How's Jennie unni?" Lisa asked Chanwoo.

"She's great. Bobby hyung and I met her cousins and they were all nice." Chanwoo said. There were a lot things about the vacation that Chanwoo wanted to share to Lisa, but he just couldn't.

Lisa and Chanwoo got silent. Hanna felt the strange atmosphere so she said, "We should go now."

"You're going out together?" Lisa asked.

"Oh no! How I wish we were!" Hanna chuckled and so did Chanwoo. She continued explaining and said, "We just need to meet with Jisoo because we teamed up for a group project. You and June should come with us some time!" Hanna suggested.

The suggestion made Chanwoo and Lisa more uncomfortable, but they tried to smile at each other.

✿ ✿ ✿

The next day, Lisa saw Hanna and Jisoo at the cafeteria so she walked up to them and sat in their table. Hanna and Jisoo were talking about the boys in their class who had a crush on Hanna. Jisoo was telling Lisa that a professor even asked Hanna to sing for them in one of their classes. They were both laughing and joking around. Lisa laughed with them even when she couldn't understand what's funny.

"You should come with us sometimes, Lisa!" Jisoo suggested.

"Do you come by each other's house often?" Lisa asked.

"Did I forget to tell you? I told Hanna that I've been trying to learn Boxing since vacation and they happen to have their own gym in their house so I go there and have free training!" Jisoo explained.

After that, Hanna and Jisoo talked about Boxing. Lisa couldn't go along well with their conversation so she was just trying to focus on eating her sandwich. She noticed that Jisoo and Hanna have the same backpacks.

"Matching bags?" Lisa asked in surprise.

"Lisaaaaa~ Hanna gave me this! It's my first designer bag!" Jisoo said. She looked like she was floating in the air or sitting above clouds. Lisa finally understood what June sees whenever Jisoo speaks.

"Look!" Jisoo flashed her nails to Lisa. "We got matching nail arts too!"

Hanna hugged Jisoo and said, "Yaaaaaa~ It looks better on you though!"

Lisa's POV: Are they that close already? WHY AM I NOT LIKING THIS? Lisa, calm down. It's just a bag. Jisoo is allowed to have friends and besides, Hanna is cool. She just happens to be his ex girlfriend. You even called her Twinny before! You pabo!

"Hey Jisoo! Do you wanna come to my house later?" Lisa tried to change the topic.

Jisoo pouted and said, "I can't! Me and Chanwoo would go to Hanna's house again later because we wanted to finish the project. Mian~"

"Why don't you come with us to my house later, Twinny?" Hanna suggested with a big smile on her face.

"That's a great idea!" Jisoo said with excitement.

"C'mon, Twinny! It would be fun. You should bring June too." Hanna said with a smirk.

Today Tomorrow Always (iKON x BLACKPINK Fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora