Faded Memories |1

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I felt the cold breeze touched my skin. This place is relaxing. And the view is breath taking. The sound of waves gives me peace of mind.

I'm standing at the bacolny and the sea is the view up here.

"You ready to go home?" He whispers in my ear that sends shivers down to my spine.

He gave me a back hug and his chin is resting on my shoulder.

"Course. I missed mom and dad, and also Candy." I replied and slightly looked at him. He smiled at me and kissed my cheek.

We've been having a vacation for almost a month. I really missed home.

"Babe?" He calls.

"Hmm?" I responded while we're still at the same position.

"Do you consider marrying me?" He asks and I suddenly became nervous.

"Are you proposing?" I said playfully and i faced him.

He wrapped his hands around my waist and I put my hands on his shoulders. His eyes are staring mine, literally drowing me with it's depth and emotion.

He chuckles and I pinched his nose.

"We'll get there, but seriously," He says and I beamed at him.

"Of course. I just want to remember everything about me before we go there." I said and he instantly smiled with my answer. His stares went down to my lips.

Oh no.. don't tease me like that.

We took our flight that night and we're already on our way to my parents house.

A song played on the radio and it was familar to me.

"We don't talk anymore like we used to do,"

"Is that me singing?" I asked hesitantly and he glanced at me.

"Yeah," He responds shortly.

"I'm really excited to meet Shawn. I think he's really nice." I said and smiled at him but he just nodded and continued driving.

He really don't seem like to talk about Shawn. All I know about him is that he was my friend and we had songs together, that's all. Greyson wouldn't bring the topic longer or he will just change the topic. I feel like he always wanted to get rid of it whenever I ask about Shawn. Does he have a problem with him? But based on his stories about him, he really seems nice.

We reached our house after an hour and the whole travel was exhausting.

Grey carried our things. I brought just enough clothes for days because we'll be heading back on his unit at New York due to his appointments and interviews. I don't want to be the reason of his delay though he still wants to extend our vacation, he has tons of stuffs on the line up that awaits for him.

"Sophia!" Candy shouts and jumped on me. I carried and hugged her. I missed this kid.

"Careful, Candy. Sophia just came from recovery." Dad reminds and I kissed him on the cheek.

"It's fine dad. I'm already great. Still alive and kicking!" I joked and he laughs.

Candy's arms are still coiled on my neck.

"You really missed me that much, huh?" I said and she nods. Awe, my sweet little baby.

Mom and Dad adopted her. They said that she was already here almost a year.

"So how was the vacation?" Mom asks as we go to the living room.

"It was great.. I loved the sea. It's really soothing and gives me peace," I respond happily.

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