Beauxbatons and Durmstrang

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It's been a few weeks since Oliver and me started dating and it's going really well.

Today the other 2 schools are coming. I'm really excited because I get to see Viktor again and we can play quidditch again.

I've really missed him. I mean I have really nice new friends her at Hogwarts but I still miss my bestfriend.

We are sitting in the great hall and we just finished dinner when Dumbledore announces that the other 2 schools are here.

First the girls from Beaxbatons walk in. They all wear tight blue dresses and they are really pretty.

After they sit down at the Ravenclauw table the doors open again. In walk the boys from Durmstrong.

I see alot of my friends and wave. When they see me they run to me and all hug me.

I laugh and hug them.

When they let go I see that everybody in the great hall is looking at us, but I really don't care.

I finally see my old friends again. Then Viktor walks in with the headmaster  Igor Karkaroff.

When they see me they also walk to me. Viktor gives me a bone crushing hug and Karkaroff smiles a faint smile.

They walk to the Slytherin table where all the others went and sit down.

Dumbledore says a few things but I don't really listen I'm way to happy to have my old friends back again.

After that everybody is tired and goes to bed.

The next day I wake up really early and I decide to go to the quidditch field for a early practise.

But when I see the pitch I stop walking. What I see there breaks my hart.

Oliver is snogging Angelina Johnsen.

I run to the castle and my vision is blurry because of my tears.

I don't know where I'm going but then I bump into to someone (I do that alot) and fall.

I look up to see a really cute guy. He helps me up and then he sees that I'm crying. He asks whats wrong and I start to explain how I just caught my boyfriend cheating on me.

He says: I'm really sorry for you but your boyfriend must been really stupid if he would cheat on someone that pretty.

I blush and feel a little bit better. The guy says: o I'm sorry I didn't introduced myself, I'm Austin Moon.

The rest of the day we talk and walk around the castle. I almost forget about Oliver because of him.

When we say goodbye he asks if we could do something fun tomorrow. I agree and I walk to the gryffindor common room and he walks back to the Durmstang ship.

When I walk into the common room I see Oliver. He walks up to me and wants to give me a hug. I push him away and he looks confused.

He asks whats wrong and I yell at him: why don't you go back to Angelina and go snog her again just like this morning.

He looks really guilty and tries to apology. I say to Oliver that we are over and go to my dorm leaving him standing there alone.

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