I'm dating Oliver Wood

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The next day I wake up to Hermione and Ginny screaming at me to get up.

I change and we go to the common room. Fred, George, Seamus and Angelina are there. Fred and Angelina are snogging.

And George and Seamus are looking kinda sad. I smile and yell helloooo. Everyone turns to look at me and says hello back.

We go down to breakfast and eat. Suddenly I can't see anymore. I ask: who turn out the lights. I hear: gues who?

Oliver I yell and I turn around to see my boyfriend ,who is 3 years older, standing there.

He gives me a quick peck on the lips and he sit down next to me. George and Seamus both stand up and walk away looking angry.

What's up with them I ask Fred. He says he don't  know.

After breakfast Oliver says he is going to take me on our first date because it is hogsmead weekende.

We go to honeydukes and the thee broomsticks, it's really fun.

After that we walk around and go to zonko's.

When we arrive at hogwarts again we are to full from honeydukes so we skip dinner and go to the common room.

We sit on the couch and talk. Oliver is the best boyfriend ever he is so sweet. We cuddle and fall asleep together on the couch.

I woke up to people whispering. Aaawh look at them, that sounds like Ginny.

Yeah they look so cute should we wake them, that is Hermione. I open my eyes and say: you already have.

I see George and Seamus run up to there dorm. I look to Fred but he looks just as confused as I am.

Oliver also woke up and we all go to our dorms to sleep.

The next day decided to play a prank because I didn't play a prank for a long time. 

My target was Malfoy because he was really anoying me last week with all his perverted comments.

It was still pretty early and everyone was still asleep. I went down to the great hall and had a quick breakfast. Then I went to the slytherin common room. I know the password because I am just awesome. No just kidding I got it put of a 6th year when he was flirting with me.

I snuck up to Malfoys dorm. I changed his hair red with gold stripes and all his clothes pink.

After I was done I went to the great hall again.

I saw my friends sitting at our usual spot.

I grinned and Fred and George asked what I did.

They know me to well. I was just about to tell them about my prank when Malfoy walks in.

Everyone started to laugh and Malfoy looks around confused. Pansy Parkinson runs to him with a mirror. When he looks into the mirror, he screams and runs out.

I laugh so hard that I am almost crying. 

We all return to the common room and I change into my quidditch robes because we have practise.

Oliver walks with me to the pitch and we have a nice practise.

After that everyone is tired so after dinner everyone goes straight to bed.

I'm sorry if there are a lot of mistakes but I wrote this on my phone! Xx Donna

Quidditch is my lifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora