Chapter 2

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It was a chilly night.It takes me around 15 minutes drive to Enzo's.Enzo's is a 24\7 cafe that serve the best chilli fries and pork ribs.I could already smell the grilled pork ribs although I parked my car a few blocks away from Enzo's.

It was an unusual quiet night.I sat on a table in a corner.I ordered chilli fries,one cup of milkshake and not to forget their signature dish,pork ribs.I was really starving.After all,I only ate two pieces of peanut-butter and jelly sandwich.

I waited for around 10 minutes when all the dishes are served.I started binging on the food.I guess I was too hungry.While I'm enjoying the pork,I couldn't stop noticing that a guy who sat two tables across me was literally staring at me.I stared back.What was his problem?

It took me a minute before I realised it was the guy who spilled my milkshake at Milko's.How dare he turn up in front of me.I bet he was guilty.That is why he kept staring at me.I bet he's asking me to forgive him.No can do."I gotta teach this guy a lesson.This way he'll learn to say sorry when he spilled someone's drink all over the table." I thought to myself.

After paying for the meal,I strolled over to his table.He was crossing his legs under the table.He had his earphones on and was browsing through the screen of his Iphone 5.

"Excuse me," I said.

He didn't answer.I guess he must be blasting some tunes through his earphones.

This time I gave a knock on his table and said,"Excuse me" with a louder voice.It made him looked at me.

He said,"Who the hell are you?"

"What? You don't remember me?That's funny to say to the person you spilled milkshake all over.Remember?"

With that he replied,"Oh,right.So what do you want from me?"

"I want you to apologize after what happened."

He laughed then said,"Look here angel,I don't really like apologizing."

"You won't even say sorry?"I said with an angry voice.What's so hard to say sorry?

He chuckled,"Nope."

"Fine then,"I blurted out.

I was ready to leave him with whatever he's doing when he suddenly grab hold of my arms.

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