Chapter 5

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Ring Ring Ringgggggg..

"What's that?" I thought to myself.

"Aaargh,damn my stupid alarm clock for waking me up this early",I mentally scolded myself.

Stretching my body from my over tensed body and waking up with a stiff neck is not a good sign to start the day especially if you have to go to school.

Walking to my cramped-like bathroom and started to brush my teeth and went for a shower.

I hate this routine.Damnation.

Since it was the first day of school for me,I didn't want to wear something too revealing that shows too much cleavage.Who knows if there are girls with mini skirts and tons of heavy make up on their plastic face.I chuckled to myself at the thought of that.

I'm not one to put make up but let's just say I want to give a good impression to all the teachers and my soon-to-be friends there.

I ended up putting some mascara and minimal eyeshadow and some lip gloss. Gaining a little confidence with that,I went downstairs and immediately the aroma of pancakes wafted through the air into my nostrils.

"Mornin' mum"

"Morning honey.I see you are bright and early today.I bet you can't wait for the school to start."

"Hahaha,funny"I said back with a little hint of sarcasm into it.

After filling my tummy with what I call food and kissing my mum goodbye,I hopped into my car and drove to my so called new school.

I groaned thinking about how hard it is for me to fit in.

I hate being labelled as the new freak or the new nerd.

Gosh.I switched on the radio and started humming to my favourite song which also happened to be tuned on that time, somehow calm my nerves a tad.

Approximately 10 minutes later,I reached my school compound.Saying the school huge was an understatement. It was freaking enormous.

After combing through the car park for quite some time, I finally found an empty spot under a big hazel nut tree.

Lucky me.

I was walking towards the secretary office when suddenly a brunette stopped me.

"Hey,you're Alexa right?"

How on Earth did this girl know my name?

"Err,yeah. And you are?"

"Oops,I'm sorry.My name is Sandra and you can call me Sandy or whatever you like . But I still prefer Sandra." ,she said while extending her hand

"Hi,and since you already know my name and I know yours, was nice meeting you," I replied while giving her a handshake.

Sandra said she will come find me during lunch and that she's going to introduce some of her friends to me.

After getting hold of my schedule I noticed that I have gym in the first period.

The hell is wrong with my life . It's enough for a young girl to scare the shit out of me on my not-so-happy morning.And now I'm going to have gym on the first period? Who likes being sweaty at the beginning of the school.Geeshhh.

Nevertheless,I still made my way to my gym class with the help of the school map.

I even made a few friends there. Yay me.

"Class,gather up.As you all know I'm your gym teacher for this semester and I do not allow at any circumstances for any of you to slack in my class. Is that clear?"said Mr.Howard

"Yes sir,"some people murmurs

"Okay,as you can see we have a new student today.Can we please welcome her to come out to the front and introduce herself"?

Why did he have to call me? Now I feel like a freak.Why are they staring at me? I think I'm going to throw up.

Clearing my throat,"Hi,my name is Alexa . I'm 16 this year.I love reading storybooks and I love boy bands and  no I don't like chick flicks. "

Finishing my speech,I heard some wolf whistle and cat calls which I chose to ignore.


Every single one of us were rooted with that slam

"Sorry,I'm late but who cares."-

He slowly scanned the gym and locked eyes with me

I nearly died at the moment. My heart literally skipped a beat.

It was that guy from Milkos.


I was mesmerized by his captivating eyes when suddenly he winked at me again!

Could this day get any worse?



I'm sorry for not updating . I'm super super busy with school work. But I really tried my best to finish this chap ASAP.

Anywho,pls vote and comment to all those silent readers.Non-edited. It's now 1 in the morning and I'm super tired.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2014 ⏰

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