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I was running as fast as my legs could carry me,but he was too fast.A little too fast.He caught me by the time I reached my car.He turned me to face him.I hardly catch my breath after all those running and I bet he heard me panting as well.Why was Michael acting this way?What has gotten into him?I was taking a huge gasp of air,when he knocked me out.The last thing I remembered was seeing his snobbish face.

These happens after my Mom sent me to Starstruck High School.

2 months ago...

Ringgggg..That's the bell where every student in this school were waiting for. I quickly pack my bag and hurried to the car park where my best friend Natalie Foster was waiting.As usual,I saw her leaning against a wall checking out guys which is her daily routine."Nat",I called out. With her seductive smile she replied,"Alexa,can we go now? I'm bored".

"How can you be?Dont you have guys to keep you entertained?",I said with a smirk.

"I'm done with them.All they do is walk away when they caught me staring at them.It's like as though I'm a freaking pervert.Sheesh!"

"Aww come on,don't be upset.Let me buy a cup of your favourite milkshake on our way back home".When Nat is upset,all I gotta do is to buy her favourite milkshake at Milko's and she'll be as happy as she can ever be.

In Milko's,you can barely hear youself talking with all those mash-ups and remixes banging on those speakers.I went up to the counter and ordered two strawberry and chocolate milkshake while Nat find us a spot for us to chill.She found a spot in the corner.We both were chatting and busy gossiping about Cheryl who is like my biggest enemy ever when suddenly a guy ran across the room causing my milkshake to spill. The thing that got me real mad is that he didn't even stop to apologize.What a douche.

"Hey!",I shouted.

He turned and looked at me with his cold-hearted eyes and all he did was to smile and winked at me.This total stranger just winked at me after spilling my milkshake all over the table.With that,he stomped his feet out of Milko's.

As usual,I always walked Nat home from school.She's been my best friend since 2nd grade.She's really pretty compared to me.I have always been jealous of her hazelnut eyes.Unlike her,my eyes are deep chocolate-brown in colour.She's almost 5'5 while I'm just barely 5'3.To be short,she is the type whom all the guys are into.

"Mom!" I called out. "Mom! I'm home."

There was no answer.I sighed.I went to the kitchen for a snack when I saw a note from my mother pinned on the refrigerator.It goes-


I won't be coming home for dinner.I have to work overtime.Don't bother buying me dinner.I'll eat on my own.I left some money on the table in your room.Will be back before midnight.


Mom's the only one who called me Lexi.After my dad left us,she has been really engrossed with her work.Sometimes,she does not even have time to talk to me like what other moms usually do.

I sighed.Dinner on my own again.I quickly take a shower and wear my favourite top with the word 'SWAG' on it with my torn-up jeans and my flats.I applied some lip gloss and eyeliner and I'm done.


How is it? This the first story I have ever written.Do comment and tell me what you think.In the meantime,I will be starting the second part of this story.Will Alexa be able to have her dinner in peace?Who will she meet there?

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