Chapter 2

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1 Year and 2 Months Later


I had been with Ryan for about 11 months now, and I have been feeling sick for the past 2 weeks or so. I finally decided to go to the doctors and find out what was wrong. I called Horatio to tell him that I would be late, and then I called Callie to tell her as well. I got in my car and drove to the office to get everything figured out.


After Appointment

I had been waiting in the examining room, for the results of the tests they had done. I looked up when the doctor reentered the room, he sat down in his little rolly chair in front of me. "Well, I have some excellent news! Congrats, you're gonna be a mother!" He told me I sat in shock, he talked for a few minutes longer, giving me little pamphlets and other papers with info about everything that was to come. When I was finished, I got in my car and drove off, I texted Callie and asked her where she was. She answered almost immediately, telling me she was almost back to the lab. I texted her and told her to be ready when I got there so she could come out and hop in, so we could swap information on everything. When I got to the lab, I texted Callie, she was outside and in my car almost instantly. She filled me in about the case, before demanding to know why I was so upset. "I'm scared Callie. I have absolutely no idea how Ryan will respond, what if he leaves me? I can't do this on my own." I told her crying, she looked at me concerned. "What? What happened? Liza, what's going on?" she asked me and I handed her what the doctor had gave me. "I'm pregnant with Ryan's baby." I told her and put my head on my steering wheel, shaking my head. "I think that he will react better than you are expecting him to." she told me and I looked at her and smiled weakly. We finished up and got out and went in the building. When I got in the lab, I immediately put on my lab coat and began helping Callie. I guess it still looked like I had been crying, so when Ryan came in the lab 2 minutes later, and he saw my face, he got concerned. Once he saw my face, he rushed to me and wrapped me in a hug, "What's wrong baby? Where were you this morning? Are you ok?" he asked me and I nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine, we should probably wait until later for me to tell you. I told him and he got upset suddenly. "No, I wanna know now. What happened Eliza?" He asked. I looked up at him, "Ryan, I'm pregnant with your child." Told him. He looked at me, I watched him, not knowing what to expect. "What! This is wonderful!" He yelled happily, pulling me in a tight hug. I laughed, relieved that I wouldn't have to be on my own with everything. He looked down at me, " I don't want you in the field, something could happen." he said and I pouted, "Ok. We should probably go and tell H." I told him and he nodded, taking my hand and leading me to H's office. When we arrived, Ryan knocked on the door frame before we entered. We stood in front of Horatio, Ryan's arm was around my waist, holding me to him. "Hey H. How was your morning?" I asked and smiled sheepishly. He smiled back, "Good, now where were you this morning?" He asked, getting straight to business. "Um that's kinda what we came to talk to you about. You see I went to the doctor's office this morning, and well, I'm pregnant." I told him, and Ryan cut in. "I don't want her in the field, so we came to you to see if she could just be in the lab." Ryan told him and H nodded. "Yeah I would have had her do that anyhow. Congrats, I'm really happy for you two." he told us and we smiled, I dismissed myself, and went back to work. I walked into he lab and started working on some trace that was found on the victim.

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