Niall and Harry sick- for DHMOREGGO

Start from the beginning

"Hey, Hazza, wake up."

 I shook his shoulder and tugged on one of his curls. I got nothing but a low moan in response.

"Why are you out here?" I asked.

There was a quiet mumble but I couldn't decipher the words. 

"What? I can't hear you."

Another try. I think I heard the word 'warmer'.

"It's warmer?"

Slowly a head emerged from the pile of blankets.

"Got cold, the big heater's out here."

His voice was totally congested and the first thought that went through my head was 'fuck'.

Harry sniffled and I winced, he sounded horribly blocked up. And I didn't just mean like his nose either. It sounded like it was clogging his sinuses and his throat too.

"You said you'd get sick, I didn't listen," I realised, "this is completely my fault, I'm so, so, so sorry!"

Why am I such an arsehole? For fucks sake, I'm so immature and stupid. I should be the one sick right now, I more than deserved it.

"I did say that this would happen," Harry croaked.

"I know you did."

 I looked him over. His face was a little pale and he looked exhausted with bags under his eyes.

"But it's not your fault, don't worry. Let's just blame my shit luck." 

He chuckled. It didn't really sound like a laugh at all and I didn't laugh with him.

"Morning lads!" Liam entered the room loudly with a cheery smile on his face. His eyes landed on Harry and an amused sound fell from his lips.

"You really did get sick didn't ya?" he chuckled a bit as he got to work making his breakfast.

"Apparently," Harry replied.

Liam glanced up, his eyes twinkling, "aw, you sound royally stuffed up, mate."

 While he was seeing the amusing, ironic, side of the situation all I felt was guilty. Being sick sucked and I was the reason for it so that just made it ten times worse.

 Harry groaned and went to sit up, "thanks for noticing"

I gently pushed him back down and shook my head, "nope, this is my fault, I'm gonna take care of you. Anything you want or need, I'm your guy." 

 If I could make being ill less sucky for Harry it would fix things.

 Harry looked up at me, "you will? You don't have to, Ni."

I nodded without hesitation, "I want to, what do you need?"

Harry relaxed back into the couch, "thanks Ni, you're the best. Can I please get some panadol? And a hot cho-" 

He blinked and sneezed a few times into his hands forcefully, "a hot chocolate?" 

He wiped the tears out of his eyes and looked at me hopefully.

"I can do that. How about you move back to your room, surely the bed's more comfortable than the couch. I'll bring the pills and the hot chocolate and then I'll swap the heaters so that the main one's in you room. Sound okay?"

"Sounds perfect." 

Harry sniffled again. He picked himself up, duvet and all, and shuffled off down the hall.

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