Chapter 1 Part 2 .

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Chapter 1.

Neveah Pov.

6.30am Monday 12/09/13

*Imma Change Your Life Imma Change It Imma Change Your Life Life*  Iggy Azalea –Change Your Life . (Ringtone and Alarm).

Neveah – *Yawns* arghh I hate Mondays..

*Knocks On The Door*

Neveah – what!

Tishana – can I come in ?

Neveah – yea

       *Enters Neveah’s Room*

Tishana – I need your help , my science teacher comes back from her trip today and i haven’t done my neurone coursework.

Neveah – How many words is it?

Tishana – 1,500 can you help me?

Neveah – What the fuck ! how can she expect you to write 1,500 words on neurones?

Tishana – Well she did give us 2 weeks to do it.

Neveah – well why didn’t you do it if you had two weeks to do it you should have done it in those two weeks!

Tishana – I wanted to spend time with my friends and I just lost track of time it’s not my fault.

Neveah – Well I can’t help you write 1,500 words now but I think I still have that old assignment on my USB. I wrote like six hundred and something words so you can copy the rest from wikipedia or something.

Tishana – Omg thanks so much your actually a life saver * hugs Neveah*

Neveah – Yeah , yeah , yeah I’m awesome I know !

I walk to the bathroom and have a shower , cream my self and start to put on my uniform .

Its a dark blue blazer with a navy blue jumper and a black and blue striped tie with a blue skirt or trousers , pretty simple I guess.

7:25 AM Breakfast Table With Maxine , Dad , Tommy and Tishana.

Narrators Pov :

Maxine’s Cooking Scrambled Egg’s and Making Toast.

Neveah goes to the fridge and gets a bottle of water and a bunch of grapes,

Neveah sits down in the living room and starts eating her grapes and turns the tv on.

Tishana – Dad how come Neveah can eat breakfast infront of the tv and I can’t.

Patrick – What are you doing maxine is making breakfast.

Neveah – I don’t want to eat that.

(Patrick walks over to his eldest daughter .)

Patrick – Neveah go and sit at the table and be polite.

Neveah – Oh my gosh why is everyone on my case just leave me alone.

Patrick – I won’t ask you again.

Neveah – Fine ! ( Walks to the dining  table and sits down)

( Patrick Walks To His Office)

Maxine –  kids do you want one slice of bread of two?

Ryan – Two Please.

Tishana – Two Please .

Neveah – First of all I’m not a baby goat and I’ve already had my breakfast.

Tommy – There’s no need to be rude.

Neveah – It’s not being rude it’s being informative i’m going I have to go and meet the girls .

(Neveah Picks Up Her Bag and Phone and Walks Out The Front Door)

Tishana – What’s Her Problem?

Tommy – She’s being a precoucious brat as always.

( Patrick walks into the dining room)

Patrick – Where’s Neveah?

Tishana – She stormed off and went to meet her friends

Patrick – What happened?

Maxine – She didn’t want to eat breakfast and started shouting at me for calling these guys kids.

Patrick – Well I’ll talk to her later on.

Tommy – breakfast was great thanks

Tishana – yeah thanks maxine.

Tommy – I’m gonna go and meet the guys Tish I’ll walk you to your bustop.

Tishana – Thanks let’s go.

(Tommy and Tishana walk to the bustop)

( Patrick finishes breakfast and drops maxine to work then drives to work).

Kingswood Academy.

Neveah’s Form Room.

Neveah’s Pov.

( Suddenly I feel these arms wrap around me from behind me and kisses on my neck)

Dominic – Morning Beautiful

Neveah – Aha; Morning Babe

Dominic – How are you babe?

Neveah – Just my dad stressing me out again but other than that I’m good.

Dominic – I’ve missed you .

Neveah – I’ve missed you too.

( Dominic leans in and kisses Neveah)

( Mr Watson walks in the classroom)

Dominic Falco and Neveah Blake My Office Right Now.

Neveah – Arh Shit.

Mr Watson – Excuse Me?

My life is over Mr Watson and my dad are life bestfriends , if my dad ever found out about me and Dominic  I wouldn’t be able to sit down for a month!

Dad has this really strict no dating till we’re 16 rule but Dominic is just so perfect!

Mr Watson – Neveah Blake I’m disgusted at your behaviour you’ve broken one of the school’s code of conduct , what do you have to say for yourself?

Neveah – Look sir i’m really sorry we didn’t mean to break any rules we were just having fun.

Mr Watson – Well do you think the headteacher will agree with your idea of fun?

Dominic – Sir that’s a bit over the top don’t you think we made a mistake can’t you ust forget about it?

Mr Watson – Neither of you seem to show any remorse for what you’ve done .  You can spend your lunchtime in detention with me .

Neveah – Oh My Gosh are you being serious? That’s just excessive!

Mr Watson – You Both have a lunctime detention with me today at 12.50 and I will be speaking to your parents.

Neveah – Arghh you’re such a jobsworth.


Neveah – Sorry..

Mr Watson – Take yourself to room 212 you have an isolation this morning.

Neveah – Are you being serious?

Mr Watson – Do I sound like I’m joking?

Neveah – Fine Whatever.

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