Chapter 6

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A blue cab pulls up and Anna jumps up scaring me a little. I whine.

"Anna why are you leaving?! I don't want to be alone!!!"

She turns and smiles at me.

"I'm sending you home with Izaac, you like Izaac remember. He's your second best friend."

I nod and smile. I hear her talking to the cabbie, then I see her hand keys to Izaac. He then comes over and extends a hand, I take it and jump up. Everything goes blurry.

"Woah!" I exclaim followed by giggles. Izaac let's out a short laugh then leads me to the car.

He opens the door and gestures for me to get in. I curtsy slightly then step in. He closes the door and runs to the other side.

After five minutes of mostly silence, with the exception of me humming, Izaac speaks.

"Your parents are at the event with my parents aren't they?"

I sort of remember what he's talking about through my drunk haze. The head people who are in charge of the city are at their annual get away for the next few days.

"Yep, my dad is the mayor silly billy." I giggle.
"Okay, well I can't leave you by yourself like this. I'll have to stay with you."
You nod. That makes sense.

"Yay! A sleepover!"

He nods.

"Your place or mine? Which do you want?"

"Ummmmm. Your place sounds cool."

I nod. We're back to not talking for a few seconds before I burst out with a sudden realization.

"I want ice cream! Izaac can we get ice cream?" I pout.

"Do you promise to behave and not get super hyper?" He says glancing at me.

"Yes. I promise."

"Then okay. Chocolate or vanilla?"

I jump up in my seat and grab his cheek and kiss it.
"Chocolate, duh!"

We reach his house and he turns to me.
"We're here."

"I'm really excited!" I exclaim followed by a yawn.

"Stay there." He gets out and runs to my side. He pulls open the door and reaches over to unbuckle me. He then slides his arms under my leg and back and slides me out. Empty ice cream still in hand, my head falls to his chest.
"Do you think you can close the door?" He asks, I follow his instructions and we walk the long way across his lawn. His mom is my father's secretary, and his dad is a ceo for some big company that spands across the country, so his house is even bigger than mine. But with big homes often come long lawns. And he can't park super close to the house.

I lift my head and look at him.

"You're really tall for a Singaporean." He looks at me almost in shock.

"How did you know I was Singaporean?"

"One day I got curious. So I texted your mom and asked."

He looks at me weird again.

"Why do you have my mom's number?"
I giggle.
"You have mine. And my dad's. And your mom and I are besties."

He shakes his head.

"Well I'm only three quarters, and my father is tall. He is half dutch. I believe they're quite tall."

I giggle again.
"Oh" I rest my head again for a few seconds then move back to look at his face.
"What colour are your dad's eyes?"

"Dark brown like my mom's."

"What colour eyes do all your grandparents have?"

He gives me a look of confusion but still answers the question.

"They all have brown eyes."

"Then how are your eyes blue?"
I ask touching beside his eyes.

"Extremely lucky considering it's very uncommon?"

"Oh. Well they're pretty."

"Thank you, so are yours. Now try and see if you can fall asleep."

"Ok" I say through yawns. I'm already halfway asleep when we reach the house, even though it only took seconds.

He stepped through the door and set me down. Suddenly I had all the energy in the world.

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